Transnational Meeting in Turkey, December 2014


    1. Teachers’ Facebook group School Drop Out– minimum 2 teachers from each country
    2. Students’ Facebook group One is too many – motivate more students to join.
    3. Each country should create a local Facebook group
    4. Website – to be created by the Turkish team. Translated into national languages with link to each school website.
    5. Start disseminating the project, for example by pens with the project name and website, by newspaper articles on the events, etc.
    6. Each country’s coordinator should register in the eTwinning website ( by 18th Dec. They should send a request or their name in eTwinning to Tsvetelena Taralova, Lina Bonatesta and Aina Ezeriņa.
    7. eTwinning project to be registered by Bulgaria and Italy.
    8. Erasmus+ corner, wall and club to be created in every school with posters, exhibition places, etc.
    9. Short film on drop out student/s– max 5 mins, with a script in English, performed in national languages or in English. Deadline 28th February 2015
    10. Career seminars/career organisation days - before the last meeting in The UK
    11. Surveys – Total 6 surveys for the whole project (at the beginning and at the end of each year) responsible people: Chryssa, Andrew and Anne First survey - due to last week in January. Then each country will adapt it to its own context.
    12. Students’ mobility – each school chooses their own criteria – e.g. showing improvement, involvement in project activities, team work skills, behavior, etc.
    13. Meeting in Italy. Arrival - 22nd March, Departure – 27th March 2015. Students will be hosted by Italian families. 
    14. Meeting in the UK. Arrival - 29th April, Departure – 3rd May 2015. Each country should bring their report time and budget management. A common template to be prepared by Turkey.
    15. Common meeting in Lithuania and Latvia in October 2015.
    16. Bulgaria will be able to host a meeting by 6th May 2016 latest (departure)
    17. Exchange of the time in students’ meetings in Portugal and Cyprus to be discussed due to possible problems of Turkish students to go to Cyprus.
    18. Logo votes: 50% of students’ +50% teachers’ choices. Logo No 9 was chosen – created by the Lithuanian students