After school activities Bulgaria

  • Bulgaria

    An Erasmus+ open day event with parents. Students presented the activities, evaluated the proejct so far and played a kahoot game in teams – parent and student. Info at:

    The students’ council organized an Eco day on the day of the Earth, 22nd Aprl

    On 5th May 2016 parents and students cooked traditional Bulgarian dishes to demonstrate Bulgarian cuisine to our foreign project guests. We also celebrated two birthdays with a homemade birthday Erasmus+ cake. A Bulgarian and an Italian students were born on the same day. To watch the event, please visit:

    During the working meeting in Bulgaria we organized a school trip to the Rila Monastery and the city of Blagoevgrad. All the Bulgarian students in the project participated and spend a day out together with the foreign students and teachers. More information please visit:

    30 students, 15 parents and 7 teachers participated in these activities. The events were very memorable for parents, students and teachers. The traditional dinner has been a challenge for us to organize and cook, but it was very successful.