Objectives are explained in such a way that they are measurable and quantifiable using indicators.
To evaluate aims, tasks, project activities, project meetings and product/results, we have developed a "Follow-up and Measurement Plan". In such a plan, quantitative and qualitative ways of evaluation are taken into account.
Although this plan has been prepared by teachers, students play a significant part in it. With Maths/I.T. teachers' help, they learn how to elaborate surveys and how to make the treatment of the data in order to write different evaluation reports using tables, percentages and graphics.
Quantity evaluation included measure of indicators from different aspects of the project: objectives, instructions, team work, problems, basic skils, language and commnication, teachers, headmasters.
Quality evaluation have included:
- Video interview to the headmasters assessing the impact of the project for the school.
- Students Experience Exhibition gained during project meetings.
- Teachers Experience Exhibition.
- Parents Experience Exhibition.
Here you can read online and download the REPORT ON EVALUATION, with the the results and conclutions analysed from this Follow-Up and Measurement Plan:
List of indicators measeured in the quantity evaluation through the questionaires to students and teachers after each project meetig and project years:
- % students who consider their awareness of women influence on European civilization Development have been significantly raised.
- % students who consider their IT skills have been significantly enhanced.
- % students who consider their active youth participation voting have been significantly encouraged.
- % students who consider that Beautiful Minds workshop enhanced their importance of logical thinking and maths
- % students who consider their intercultural values and awareness have been significantly promoted.
- % students who consider that thier knowledge of concepts/ideas of democracy/citizenship and civil rights have been significantly raised
- % students who consider that their skills to use computers and Internet have been significantly enhanced
- % students who consider that Chemistry of love workshop enhanced their importance of sciences.
- % students who consider that their importance of preventing early drop-out has been significantly raised.
- % students who consider that their importance of participation in European initiatives and transparency of certificate assessment has been significantly raised
- % students who consider that their skills to make surveys and produce statistical data reports have been significantly enhanced.
- % students who consider that “A sound mind in a sound body workshop” enhanced their awareness of healthy nutrition and your responsibility for eating habits.
- % students who consider that their knowledge and importance of Europass, as an useful European Certificate, has been improved by participating in this project workshop.
- % students who consider that their importance of limiting social stigmatization of young people has been significantly raised.
- % students who consider that “Through sports towards charity workshop” enhanced their sports activeness.
- % students who consider that their willingness to fight with social exclusion have been significantly enhanced
- % students who consider that they gained new skills and knowledge while working in the workshops.
- % students who consider that their action as volunteers / on behalf of others has been encouraged by participating in this project workshop
- % students who consider that their knowledge of History of Europe in the 20th Century has been significantly raised
- % students who consider that their digital skills to edit high quality videos have been significantly enhanced
- % students who consider that “Sports and Arts preventing gender violence” helped them to draw attention to a problem of an unjust treatment of genders
- % students who consider that this project helped them to reinforce skills with the emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and constructive management of feelings.
- % students who gain new skills and knowledge while working on the workshops
- % students who enjoyed working on the workshops
- % students who consider that the instructions were clear enough.
- % students who consider that the instructions were too strict.
- Level of assessment of the cooperation between students within their national teams.
- Level of assessment of the international cooperation between the participating countries during project workshops.
Basic skills:
- % students who consider that their Key Competences have been significantly improved.
- % students who consider that their communication in the mother tongue have been significantly improved.
- % students who consider that their communication in foreign languages have been significantly improved.
- % students who consider that their mathematical competence and basic have been significantly improved.
- % students who consider that their competences in science and technology have been significantly improved
- % students who consider that their digital competence have been significantly improved
- % students who consider that their ability to learning to learn have been significantly improved
- % students who consider that their social and civic competences have been significantly improved
- % students who consider that their cultural awareness and expression have been significantly improved
- % students who consider that their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship have been significantly improved
Language and communication:
- % students who consider that there were any language problems in the communication between people from different countries
- % students who consider that their communication in mother language has been improved
- % students who consider that their communication in foreign language has been improved
- Level of assessment of the communication between students and teachers
- % students who consider that there were communication problems in their groups.
- % students who consider that it was difficult to come to a decision within their group.
- % students who consider that they did not have enough time to complete the projects activities.
- % students who consider that there were unexpected difficulties.
- % students who consider that it was easy it to solve problems in their groups.
- % teachers who consider their teaching competences have been significantly improved.
- % teachers who consider that they could get to know new resources and innovative pedagogical methods while working on the Manual of Good Practise.
- % teachers who consider that they could get to know new resources and innovative pedagogical methods while working on the Pedagogical Programme.
- % teachers who consider their your language and communication skills have been significantly enhanced by participating in this project
- % teachers who consider their awareness of women influence on European civilization Development have been significantly raised
- % teachers who consider their IT skills have been significantly enhanced
- % teachers who consider they could gain new skills and knowledge while working on this project
- % teachers who consider their intercultural awareness has been improved by participating in this project
- % teachers who consider they enjoyed working on the project workshops and meetings.
- % teachers who consider that this project promoted long-lasting cooperation between schools.
- % teachers who consider that this project contributed to development of European policies, for example to reduce early school leaving
- % teachers who consider that this project enhanced the importance of Europass, as an useful European Certificate
- % headmasters who consider that the project has contributed significantly to cope with needs of the school.
- % headmasters who consider that this Erasmus+ project has brough good ideas to the school.
- % headmasters who consider that the project has contributed significantly to promote equality and role of women in our society.
This evaluation has been done after every project meeting to the students and after every project year to the teachers.
At the end of this page you can download the evaluation reports and watch the videos from quality
Here you can see some of images of our evaluation reports:
And feel free to download our evaluation reports:
Evaluation of project meeting in Spain, activities A.2 and A.3
Evaluation of project meeting in Finland, activities A.4 and A.5
Evaluation project meeting in France
Evaluation from teachers.
Evaluation project meeting in Poland, activities A.8 and A.9
Analysis of evaluation reports.
Quality evaluation have included:
- Video interview to the headmasters assessing the impact of the project for the school.
- Students Experience Exhibition gained during project meetings.
- Teachers Experience Exhibition.
- Parents Experience Exhibition.
Interview Headmaster from French School:
Interview Headmaster from Polish School:
Interview Headmaster from Italian School:
Interview Headmaster from Spanish School: