Individual students during their two months exchange have followed the studies set on their learning agreements and have worked on this specific activitiy of project:
Searching for heroines
Students did an interview to a woman they consider a heroine, for example: a scientist, an academician, a writer, a politician, their mother or grandmother. The main aim is to increase knowledge on how to communicate with members of family and successful professionals. The interviews are uploaded on an online newspaper, using paper.li or issuu. Link: https://issuu.com/agnesgradys/docs/combine_result
This is the interview to Laura Morala, the heroine chosen by the Polish students duing their long term mobility in Badajoz (Spain).
This is the interview to Ewa Mroz, the heroine chosen by the Spanish students duing their long term mobility in Czestochowa (Poland).
This is the interview to xxxxxxx, the heroine chosen by the Spanish students duing their long term mobility in Kuopio (Finland).
This is the interview to Victoria Santana, the heroine chosen by the Finnish students duing their long term mobility in Badajoz (Spain).