The first International project workshop for students and transnational meeting for teachers was held in Badajoz, Spain, from 8th to 14th December 2014.
During that meeting students showed their prezi presentations about Women Patrons and a common voting was organized to choose the patron of each project activity. Then, multinational groups of students prepared different glogsters on the outcomes.
Students learnt how to create a Q.R code and an APP for smart-phones and tablets by using the Mobincube tool, containing the mathematical, linguistic, logical riddles they invented for the project activity "Beautiful Minds". A competition in multinational groups was held by students trying to solve riddles using smart phones with Q.R. Code readers.
The Spanish student Daniel Lizardo read aloud the first chapter of the e-novel: LOOKING FOR THE HAPPINESS FORMULA, for the project activity: Young Writers on the Road.
Teacher had organizational meetings to speak about project activities, reports, responsibilities, evaluation, dissemination, next project meetings and new economic rules for the management of the project.
The Spanish school, Colegio Diocesano San Atón, presented their best experience to the rest of teachers, to contribute to our Manual of Good Practices.
Teachers designed an excel document to work on the Pegagogical programme: Women as Spiritus Movens.
An “European event” was organized in the Spanish school on Friday 12th December by using the strength and power of the European Value that visitors added to the school community. Parents, students, relatives, teachers, relevant people from the local authorities and members of other schools, associations, NGOs, charity organizations that collaborate in our project were invited to this event where results, experiences, videos and photos were shown.
Watch some of those experiences:
See more pictures about this event in the following site: