Individual students during their two months exchange have followed the studies set on their learning agreements and have worked on this specific activitiy of project:
European Curriculum:
Students having studied more than 2 months in another country have compared their curriculum with the host country and have made a final product that we offer as an Open Education Resource for those schools in Europe that want to apply for these kinds of exchanges. We have done it to facilitate the difficult task of preparing learning agreements between schools. This “European Curriculum” includes: a comparison chart about the differences in the Educational System estructure from the three countries (Poland, Finland and Spain), information about different subjects, individual curricula for students, school reports with figures about number of lessons per week and students evaluation of the experience.
Here you have the product for free download and use:
European curriculum.
You can also read have it in online version: https://issuu.com/agnesgradys/docs/long_term_mobilities_-_analysis_of_