Dissemination is one of the strongest points on our project. With a very well structured plan, we were able to reach to many people in Europe. All products, results, experiences,  the European added value gained during the project meetings, the evaluation, and activities were disseminated in two ways: TO THE COMMUNITY AND TO THE WORLD.


    1. A public link to our twinspace was provided in every school website.

    2. The links to blogs, glogters, kahhot, prezi, etc... were also published for everyone in etwinning.

    3. Official website with results, calendars, pictures, project meetings was run in a free  and perdurable site.

    4. APP with relevant contents of some project activities (A.3) were be distributed freely for everyone using Android Smartphones or tablets. Links to download the app were be offered in our twinspace and website.

    5. Online newspaper and e-books were freely disseminated using I.T. tools.

    6. Social media was covered in our project with an account in Facebook and Twitter.

    7. News and reports were sent to local, regional and national newspapers. Journalist were asked to come specially during project meetings.

    8. Local and regional tv and radio were asked to cover some of the most relevant information about the project.



    1. Each school prepared a big panel in the main entrance of the school where pictures, notice boards, different results will be shown. A Q.R. code in the panel directed to the official website and the APP.

    2. Each school had an specific section in teachers room´s board for news connected to the project.

    3. In every school website there was a permanent link to the official website of our project and the twinspace.

    4. Headmasters and European Projects Coordinators delivered  general emails to parents using  their own intranet.

    5. School newspapers and school radio covered news of the project very frecuently. 

    6. European projects coordinators informed frequently  about the project to the School Board, the Head, the Teachers, and they keept the minutes of every meeting.

    7. Two “European evenings” were organised in every school during the lifespan of the project. One of them was held during the project meeting in each country, when using the strength and power of the European Value that visitors added to the school community. Parents, students, relatives, teachers, relevant people from the local authorities and members of other schools, associations, NGOs, charity organizations that collaborate in our project were invited to these events where results, experiences, videos, photos,... were shown. The other “European evening” was held at the end of the second project year.

    The results of this plan for dissemination again exceed our expectations. Due to the professionalism that we worked with, and the real interest from European society about the topic of our project, we managed to reach to a higher number of people, organism and association that we originally planned.

    Here we present the dissemination report, a collection of all the uncountable number of news in newspapers, local, regional and national ones, TV, radio, school newspapers, school websites, Facebook and Twitter.



    Our project on the news: