Students learnt how to make a survey and how to produce statistical reports using the data. The results were analyzed to show a contrast between males and females. The topic was connected to European Policies and 2020 strategy: reasons for early drop-out at school, how to increase students’ interests in studying abroad, and their knowledge of European opportunities and usefulness of Europass to unify various certificates (CV, language passport, skills and abilities passport).
1. Gender inequalities at school. With this activity the students studied gender inequalities and started watching the video Malala Yousafzai as an introduction to school equalities and discussed it. (http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/10/world/europe/nobel-peace-prize/#).
In each school they conducted a survey to know the proportion of girls in scientific classes or engineer classes, school achievement…. The survey also examined their prospects for further education and future jobs.
2. School dropout. Students listed the reasons and classified them in categories (for example school-related reasons)
- Those reasons for school dropout were discussed in multinational groups and possible solutions were suggested.
- A role play (using arguments) was filmed with virtual school dropouts and virtual educators and parents.
3. The European policies and 2020 strategies: Presentation by The DAREIC Bordeaux representative B Paccalin: the new scheme (interests in studying abroad, the usefulness of the Europass to unify various certificates (CV, language passport…)
During the meeting in France, all students working in the international workshops will fill in sample Europass documents online, with the help of the French National Agency representative in the computer room.
Have a look to the products and research done by our students:
Survey results from Turkey
Survey results from Italy
Survey results from Poland
Survey results from Spain
Survey results from Finland
Survey results from France
Role plays during the workshop in France by multinational groups of students: