• At an international level, all partner schools started working on the project through our twinspace and a google drive document.  Coordinator country created the twinspace by applying for an etwinning project. Teachers and students who did not have an account in etwinning yet created it. Teachers and students joined in the project and were equally engaged in cooperation. Each school prepared instructions for their first responsibilities in the project. Those instructions were shared, debated on and agreed through a google drive document. Each teachers' team prepared a presentation about their school and their best experiences, initiatives, methods which they wanted to share with the others during the first project meeting. 

    At a national level, each school had a separate meeting with teachers, parents and students explaining the project in detail. Other organizations that collaborate in our project received detailed information about the project and its implications. Dissemination plan was carried out since the very beginning, and the first actions to be taken in this phase were: first announcement in each national website, Facebook and twitter account were created, a big panel in the main entrance of the each school were prepared, and headmasters and European projects coordinators delivered an email to parents using their own intranet.