During project meetings, supported from the grants for Transnational Project Meetings, teachers from different partner schools have elaborated two Open Educational Resources: a Manual of Good Practices in Education and a pedagogical programme.
B.1. Exchange of good practices in education: Manual of Good Practices in Education. By exchanging ideas and experiences during five project meetings in Spain, Finland, France, Italy and Turkey, six groups of two/three teachers from six different countries have shared their most efficient ideas and experiences which could then be adopted/adapted by other partners. This manual is disseminated to every European Schools interested in schools' development and teaching quality enhancement. This manual is available in paper and in digital form for free download as an e-book from different places: website and twinspace.
Click in this link to free download of this manual: https://klassikka.onedu.fi/kurssijulkaisut/zine/14/cover