The Impressions of the Romanian Pupils about the Mobility in Poland
As we established in the Application Form of the Erasmus+ project ”Folklorica” 2019-2021, after each mobility, the participant pupils write their impressions. At the end of the project they will be inserted in ”The Diary of Impressions”, one of our final products, by the Turkish school, which is responsible for that. The Romanian pupils participating in the mobility in Poland were: Alexandru Mihai Loloiu, hosted by Michał Bogusławski, Paula Ștefania Tudora, hosted by Kamila Rutkowska and Rebecca Maria Frântu, hosted by Karolina Serowik. These impressions were sent to Mr. Umut Uysaler in time, according the deadline established by all partner school coordinators together Mrs. Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, the coordinator of the whole projects. We posted them here, in attachment, as Word documents.
Adina Secu, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu, Romania
Impresiile elevilor români despre mobilitatea din Polonia
Așa cum am stabilit în Formularul de Candidatură al proiectului Erasmus+ „Folklorica” 2019-2021, după fiecare mobilitate, elevii participanți își scriu impresiile. La sfârșitul proiectului, acestea vor fi inserate în „Jurnalul Impresiilor”, unul dintre produsele noastre finale, de către școala turcă, care este responsabilă de acest lucru. Elevii români participanți la mobilitatea din Polonia au fost: Alexandru Mihai Loloiu, găzduit de Michał Bogusławski, Paula Ștefania Tudora, găzduită de Kamila Rutkowska și Rebecca Maria Frântu, găzduită de Karolina Serowik. Aceste impresii au fost trimise domnului Umut Uysaler la timp, conform termenului stabilit de toți coordonatorii școlilor partenere împreună cu doamna Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, coordonatoarea întregului proiect. Le-am postat aici, în atașament, ca documente Word.
Dana Bratu, profesor al Liceului ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu, România
Impressions about the Mobility in Poland, Alexandru Mihai Loloiu, Romania.docx
Impressions about the Mobility in Poland, Paula Ștefania Tudora, Romania.doc
Impressions about the Mobility in Poland, Rebecca Maria Frântu, Romania.doc
The Impressions of Turkish Pupils about the Mobility in Romania
Elçin İzel Aktaş, Mustafa Bozok, Ezgi Ceren Bayuk and Yakup Efe Vanlıoğlu were the Turkish pupils from Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu who participated in the second mobility, developed in the ”Folklorica” Erasmus+ partner school from Sibiu, Romania between 30th November and 6th December 2019. They were accompanied by the project coordinator, Mr. Umut Uysaler and their Sports teacher, Mr. Aydin Acar, a member of the Turkish project team. These pupils have written their impressions about the activities developed there and the manner in which they were received in the host families. Their Word documents, posted by us on the project website contain short texts and some photos. Together the other pupils partners’ impressions, these texts and photos will be printed in the project diary.
Aydin Acar, teacher in Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Gaziantep
Elçin İzel Aktaş's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Mustafa Bozok's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Yakup Efe Vanlıoğlu's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Ezgi Ceren Bayuk's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Türk Öğrencilerin Romanya’daki Hareketlilik Üzerine İzlenimleri
Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu'ndan Türk öğrenciler olan Elçin İzel Aktaş, Mustafa Bozok, Ezgi Ceren Bayuk ve Yakup Efe Vanlıoğlu, proje koordinatörü Umut Uysaler ve Türk öğretmenlerinden Spor hocası Aydın Acar tarafından koordine edildi. Bu öğrenciler ev sahibi aileler hakkındaki izlenimlerini yazdılar. Word belgelerinde kısa metinler ve bazı fotoğraflar bulunur. Diğer öğrencilerin gösterimleriyle birlikte, bu metinler ve fotoğraflar proje günlüğüne yazdırılacaktır.
Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu
Lithuanian Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Poland
Deividas Dumčius, Gabija Kiselytė, Giedrė Gužytė, and Kamile Kartanaviciute, the participant pupils in the mobility in Poland, have written their impressions and have sent them to the project coordinator and to the diary responsible. They have added photos of the places and activities which impressed them more. Deividas Dumčius, for whom it was first time he went to Warsaw, was very impressed by the chocolate workshop and by the amazing glass factory. Gabija Kiselytė confessed that she had perfect opportunity to get to know each other in the host family. Giedrė Gužytė was very glady to to learn history about gingerbread. Kamile Kartanaviciute recognized that the mobility in Poland was definitely unforgettable.
Kristina Joksiene, coordinator, Prezidento V. Adamkaus gimnazija, Kaunas, Lithuania
Giedre Guzyte' Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Kamile Kartanaviciute' Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Deividas Dumčius' Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Gabija Kiselyte' Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Lietuvos mokinių įspūdžiai apie mobilumą Lenkijoje
Mobilumo Lenkijoje dalyviai Deividas Dumčius, Gabija Kiselytė, Gerda Gegužytė ir Kamilė Kartanavičiūtė parašė savo įspūdžius apie kelionę ir nusiuntė projekto koordinatoriui bei asmeniui, rašančiam projekto dienoraštį. Jie pridėjo vietų ir veiklos nuotraukų, kurios juos labiausiai sužavėjo. Deividas Dumčius, vykęs į Varšuvą primą kartą, buvo labai sužavėtas šokolado dirbtuvių ir nuostabios stiklo gamyklos. Gabija Kiselytė prisipažino, kad turėjo puikią galimybę susipažinti su šeima, kurioje gyveno. Gerda Gegužytė labai džiaugėsi sužinojusi istoriją apie meduolius. Kamilė Kartanavičiūtė pripažino, kad mobilumas Lenkijoje buvo tikrai nepamirštamas.
Inga Zebrauskaite, direktoriaus pavaduotoja, Prezidento V. Adamkaus gimnazijos mokytoja, Kaunas, Lietuva
Spanish Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Romania
Alejandro Plazas Perdomo, Arianna Forti, Diego de la Fuente Silva, and Yining Yin were the participant pupils to the mobility in Sibiu City, Romania. They wrote their impressions and sent them to the responsible for the project diary. They were impressed by snow, activities, trips and the hospitality of the host families. Until the publishing of the diary, we post on the project website the impressions of each Spanish pupil who took part in this Erasmus+ experience.
Jose Antonio Santana Andueza, teacher, IES Pérez Galdós, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Alejandro Plazas Perdomo's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.doc
Diego de la Fuente Silva's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Yining Yin's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Arianna Forti's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Impresiones de los alumnos españoles sobre la movilidad en Rumania
Alejandro Plazas Perdomo, Arianna Forti, Diego de la Fuente Silva y Yining Yin fueron los alumnos participantes de la movilidad en la ciudad de Sibiu, Rumania. Escribieron sus impresiones y las enviaron al responsable del diario del proyecto. Quedaron impresionados por la nieve, las actividades, los viajes y la hospitalidad de las familias anfitrionas. Hasta la publicación del diario, publicamos en el sitio web del proyecto las impresiones de cada alumno español que participó en esta experiencia Erasmus+.
David Hänisch, profesor, IES Pérez Galdós, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España
Impressions of the Cypriot Pupils about the Mobility in Poland
Andreas Robertos Charalambous, Michael Kyriaki, and Yennaris Christodoulos were the guest pupils in the mobility developed in the coordinating school from Nidzica. They wrote their impressions for the project diary. We posted them here, in attachment, as Word documents. The pupils were accompanied by two teachers: Gabriella Theodosiou and Despina Fysentzou. Andreas Robertos Charalampous was hosted by Marcel Kosiński’s family, Michael Kyriaki by Alicja Kujawska’s family, and Yennaris Christodoulos by Mikołaj Pyracki’s family. All of them were very impressed by their host families’ hospitality.
Despina Fysentzou, teacher, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Cyprus
Andreas Robertos Charalambous's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Michael Kyriaki's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Yennaris Christodoulos's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Entypóseis ton Kypríon mathitón gia tin kinitikótita stin Polonía
O Andréas Rómperchos Charalámpous, o Michális Kyriakís kai o Giannáris Christódoulos ítan oi mathités filoxenoúmenon stin kinitikótita pou anaptýchthikan sto scholeío syntonismoú apó ti Nintzitsa. Égrapsan tis entypóseis tous gia to imerológio tou prográmmatos. Tous dimosiéfsame edó, se synimméno, os éngrafa tou Word. Oi mathités synodévontan apó dýo kathigités: ti Gavriélla Theodosíou kai ti Déspoina Fyséntzou. O Antréas Rómpers Charalámpous filoxeníthike apó tin oikogéneia tou Mársel Kosínski, ton Michaíl Kyriáki apó tin oikogéneia tou Alicja Kujawska kai ton Yennaris Christodoulos apó tin oikogéneia tou Mikołaj Pyracki. Óloi tous entyposíasan polý apó ti filoxenía ton oikogeneión tous ypodochís.
Gabriella Theodosiou, dáskalos, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Kýpros
Polish Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Romania
Upon returning to Poland, the Polish pupils wrote their impressions about mobility in Romania for the project diary. Alicja enjoyed going with Teodora and her friends to the ice rink and to the Christmas Bazar in Sibiu City. Karolina was most impressed by ”The Bridge of Lies”. Łukasz misses Darius, his host pupil, and Vadoiu family. Maja enjoyed to make pancakes with Radu and let paper planes out of the window on the seventh floor. More details can be seen in attachment.
Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, project coordinator; Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 z Oddziałami integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Poland
Alicja Kujawska's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Karolina Serowik's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Łukasz Kamieniecki's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Maja Dawid's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Wrażenia polskich uczniów na temat mobilności w Rumunii
Po powrocie do Polski polscy uczniowie napisali swoje wrażenia na temat mobilności w Rumunii do dziennika projektu. Alicja lubiła chodzić z Teodorą i jej przyjaciółmi na lodowisko i na bożonarodzeniowy bazar w Sibiu. Karolina była pod wrażeniem „The Bridge of Lies”. Łukasz tęskni za Dariusem, uczniem goszczącym i rodziną Vadoiu. Maja lubiła robić naleśniki z Radu i puszczać papierowe samoloty przez okno na siódmym piętrze. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć w załączniku.
Dorota Dorozińska, dyrektor, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Poland
The Impressions of Turkish Pupils about the Mobility in Poland
The three Turkish pupils who took part in the mobility in Poland were very impressed about what they saw and did and they wrote a few words, adding photos to illustrate their statements. These pupils were: Ayça-Sanduvaç, Efe Güneylioğlu, and Münevver Soytürk. We post here their entire texts and a photo. The mobility in Poland was for all of them an amazing and unforgettable experience, due to this Erasmus project and to the host school.
Mehmet Ali Gül, deputy, Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Gaziantep
Ayça-Sanduvaç's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Efe Güneylioğlu's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Münevver Soytürk's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Türk Öğrencilerin Polonya'daki Hareketlilik Üzerine İzlenimleri
Polonya'daki hareketliliğe katılan üç Türk öğrenci, gördükleri ve yaptıkları hakkında çok etkilendiler ve birkaç kelime yazdılar ve açıklamalarını göstermek için fotoğraf eklediler. Bu öğrenciler: Ayça-Sanduvaç, Efe Güneylioğlu ve Münevver Soytürk. Tüm metinlerini ve fotoğraflarını buraya gönderiyoruz. Polonya'daki hareketlilik, bu Erasmus projesi ve ev sahibi okul nedeniyle hepsi için inanılmaz ve unutulmaz bir deneyim oldu.
Yahya Akkurt, öğretmen, Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Gaziantep
Lithuanian Pupils' Mobility in Romania
Salvija Antanaityte and Ugne Jankauskaite were the participants pupils in the mobility in Romania. This Erasmus experience impressed them a lot. Salvija told that she had a great opportunity to see such a beautiful country and learn about it the most interesting way possible. Ugne recognized that she was really thankful to her host family for letting her stay at their home for the week, for welcoming her so nicely and for giving her a good time in Romania. Read their impressions to understand more this experience.
Kristina Joksiene, coordinator, Prezidento V. Adamkaus gimnazija, Kaunas, Lithuania
Salvija Antanaityte's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.doc
Ugne Jankauskaite' Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Lietuvos mokinių mobilumas Rumunijoje
Salvija Antanaitytė ir Ugnė Jankauskaitė buvo Rumunijos mobilumo dalyvės. Ši „Erasmus“ patirtis jas labai sužavėjo. Salvija pasakojo turėjusi puikią galimybę pamatyti gražią šalį ir sužinoti daug įdomių faktų. Ugnė pripažino esanti labai dėkinga ją priėmusiai šeimai už tai, kad leido apsistoti savo namuose, gražiai sutiko ir suteikė daug šiltų emocijų. Perskaitykite merginų įspūdžius, kad sužinotumėte daugiau apie jų patirtį.
Vita Janušienė, Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazija, Kaunas, Lietuva
Spanish Pupils’ Mobility in Poland
The Spanish participant pupils to the mobility in Poland (Eva García Alonso, Nguyet Nhi Trinh Hoang, Paula Santana García, and Sara Morales Vélez) have written their impressions about their Erasmus experience. They have sent them to the diary and the website responsible teachers. For all of them, there was a fantastic experience.
Sara González Gil, teacher, IES Pérez Galdós, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Eva García Alonso's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Nguyet Nhi Trinh Hoang's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Paula Santana García's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
Sara Morales Vélez's Impressions about the Mobility in Poland.docx
La movilidad de los alumnos españoles en Polonia
Los alumnos españoles participantes en la movilidad en Polonia (Eva García Alonso, Nguyet Nhi Trinh Hoang, Paula Santana García y Sara Morales Vélez) han escrito sus impresiones sobre su experiencia Erasmus. Los han enviado al diario y al sitio web de los maestros responsables. Para todos ellos, hubo una experiencia fantástica.
Marta Fernández Poch, profesor, IES Pérez Galdós, España
Cypriot Pupils’ Impressions about Romania
The five participant pupils to the mobility in Romania were: Andria Kouta, Charalambos George Siailis, George Victor, Loukas Michael, and Solomon Zenonos. Upon returning to Cyprus they wrote their impressions of this Erasmus experience. Andria Kouta was impressed by the English language spoken so well by her hostess Alina and the beautiful and unique places they went together. Charalambos George recognized that his Erasmus participation was a big step for him. George Victor will recommend the Erasmus program to other children, as they can get to know different countries and cultures. In Loukas Michael;s opinion, all the days of the visit in Romania were very active as they did together many impressive project tasks. Solomon Zenonos was mostly impressed by the hill with the fortress in the city of Deva. There was for all of them a wonderful experience.
Gabriella Theodosiou, coordinator, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Cyprus
Andria Kouta's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Charalambos George Siailis's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
George Victor's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Loukas Michael's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Solomon Zenonos's Impressions about the Mobility in Romania.docx
Oi entypóseis ton Kypríon mathitón gia ti Roumanía
Oi pénte symmetéchontes mathités stin kinitikótita sti Roumanía ítan: i Ántria Koutá, o Charálampos Giórgos Siaḯlis, o Giórgos Víktor, o Loukás Michaíl kai o Solomón Zenónos. Metá tin epistrofí tous stin Kýpro égrapsan tis entypóseis tous schetiká me aftín tin empeiría tou Erasmus. I Andria Kouta entyposiástike apó tin anglikí glóssa pou mílise tóso kalá apó tin oikodéspoina tis Alina kai apó ta ómorfa kai monadiká méri pou pígan mazí. O Charálampos Giórgos anagnórise óti i symmetochí tou sto prógramma Erasmus ítan éna megálo víma gi 'aftón. O George Victor tha systísei to prógramma Erasmus se álla paidiá, kathós boreí na gnorísei diaforetikés chóres kai politismoús. Katá ti gnómi tou Loukás Michaíl, óles oi iméres tis epískepsis sti Roumanía ítan polý drastíries, kathós synévainan mazí pollá entyposiaká kathíkonta érgou. O Solomón Zenónos entyposiástike kyríos apó to lófo me to froúrio stin póli tis Ntévas. Ypírche gia ólous tous mia ypérochi empeiría.
Georgios Vassiliades, dáskalos, Gymnásio Apostólou Pávlou, Páfos
Romanian Pupils’ Impressions about Gran Canaria
Alina Notariu and Darius Lucian Vadoiu were the Romanian participant pupils in the mobility in Gran Canaria, Spain within the Erasmus+ project “Folklorica”. They were accompanied by their teachers Diana Adina Bucuță and Gabriela Mirela Jugar. In PDF documents they achieved, the Romanian pupils expressed their feelings about the visited places, the host school and their host families. Eloquent photos taken by themselves were added in these materials.
Ileana Sînziana Salomie, teacher, ”C. Noica” High School
Alina Notariu's Impressions.pdf
Impresiile elevilor români despre Gran Canaria
Alina Notariu și Darius Lucian Vadoiu au fost elevii români participanți la mobilitatea din Gran Canaria, Spania, în cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ „Folklorica”. Au fost însoțiți de profesoarele lor Diana Adina Bucuță și Gabriela Mirela Jugar. În documentele PDF pe care le-au realizat, elevii români și-au exprimat sentimentele despre locurile vizitate, școala gazdă și familiile lor gazdă. În aceste materiale au fost adăugate fotografii elocvente făcute de ei înșiși.
Mihai Victorin Ordean, director L.T. “C. Noica”, Sibiu
Darius Lucian Vadoiu's Impressions.pdf
Romanian Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Cyprus
Amalia Blanga, Yarin Eugen Beza, Ileana Muraru and Antonia Ana Teușan were the Romanian participant pupils in the mobility in Paphos, Cyprus within the Erasmus+ project “Folklorica”. These pupils were accompanied by their Math teacher, Mrs. Dana Bratu and the Erasmus+ coordinator in their school, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar. In the different PDF documents realized, the pupils of “Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu, Romania expressed their feelings about the places visited in Paphos and surroundings, about the host school and their host families. A few suggestive photos taken by themselves were added in these PDF documents.
Raluca Teglaș, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu
Amalia Blanga's Impressions about the Mobility in Cyprus.pdf
Yarin Eugen Beza's Impressions about the Mobility in Cyprus.pdf
Impresiile elevilor români despre mobilitatea din Cipru
Amalia Blanga, Yarin Eugen Beza, Ileana Muraru și Antonia Ana Teușan au fost elevii români participanți la mobilitatea din Paphos, Cipru, în cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ „Folklorica”. Acești elevi au fost însoțiți de profesoara lor de matematică, doamna Dana Bratu și de coordonatorul Erasmus+ din școala lor, doamna Gabriela Mirela Jugar. În diferitele documente PDF realizate, elevii Liceului „Constantin Noica” Sibiu, România și-au exprimat sentimentele despre locurile vizitate în Paphos și împrejurimi, despre școala gazdă și familiile lor gazdă. Câteva fotografii sugestive făcute de ei înșiși au fost adăugate în aceste documente PDF.
Mircea Botiş, profesor, Liceul ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu, România
Ileana Muraru's Impressions about the Mobility in Cyprus.docx.pdf
Antonia Ana Teușan's Impressions about the Mobility in Cyprus.pdf