Project Page on Schools Websites

  • Project Page on Schools Websites







    The Project Page on the Romanian Partner School Website

    The Romanian team has already created the project page on the school website. This page includes: the type, purpose, objectives and description of the project, the deployment period, the target group, the partners, the European funding, the communication groups and the means of promoting the project. The school website and the project page are the responsibility of the Computer Science teacher, Mr. Mircea Dorca, a member of the project team. The page of the project "Folklorica" ​​is under the heading "Erasmus", together with the former (“Ecological literacy”, “Be Better by Learning!”) and current (“Strength of Cultural Minorities”, “Teacher Training in European Heritage and Religion”) Erasmus projects and courses of the "Constantin Noica" Sibiu High School.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordinator ”C. Noica” High School Sibiu 

    Pagina de proiect pe site-ul școlii partenere românești

    Echipa română a creat deja pagina de proiect pe site-ul școlii. Această pagină cuprinde: tipul, scopul, obiectivele și descrierea proiectului, perioada de desfășurare, grupul țintă, partenerii, finanțarea europeană, grupurile de comunicare și modalitățile de promovare a proiectului. Site-ul școlii și pagina proiectului sunt resposabilitatea profesorului de informatică, d-nul Mircea Dorca, membru al echipei de proiect. Pagina proiectului ”Folklorica” este la rubrica ”Erasmus”, alături de fostele („Alfabetizare ecologică”, „Fii mai bun învățând!”) și actualele („Forța minorităților culturale”, „Instruirea profesorilor în patrimoniul european și religie”) proiecte și cursuri Erasmus ale Liceului ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu.

    Raluca Teglaș, profesor al Liceului Teoretic ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu

    The Project Page on the Turkish Partner School Website

    Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Middle School Erasmus+ the scope of his application, Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, Romania, Spain and the partner schools in Cyprus ”Folklorica” project has been awarded funding by the National Agency. The main objective of the project, which will be carried out under the coordination of Poland between 2019-2021, is to promote the culture of the partner countries through folk dance and to raise awareness about foreign cultures.

    Umut Uysaler, coordinator, Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin School 

    Türkiye Ortak Okulu Web Sitesindeki Proje Sayfası

    Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu’nun Erasmus+ kapsamında başvurusunu yaptığı, Polonya, Türkiye, Litvanya, Romanya, İspanya ve Kıbrıs Rum Kesimininden okulların ortak olduğu ”Folklorica” adlı proje Ulusal Ajans tarafından fon almaya hak kazanmıştır. 2019-2021 yılları arasında Polonya koordinatörlüğünde yürütülecek olan projede, temel amaç, ortak ülkelerin kültürlerinin halk dansları yoluyla tanıtılması, ve yabancı kültürler hakkında farkındalık yaratılmasıdır.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    The Project Page on the Polish Partner School Website

    The Polish team from Nidzica has created the ”Folklorica” project page on the school website. This page includes the invitation to the mobility in Poland (21-25 October 2019) developed under the slogan ”Me and My Country”, a few aspects of this new adventure with the Erasmus+ program in the coordinating school and activities undertaken within the project. This is only the beginning and the articles will go on. For everyone who wants to visit this page we give the link.

    Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, project coordinator, Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Poland  

    Strona projektu na stronie polskiej szkoły partnerskiej

    Polski zespół z Nidzicy stworzył stronę projektu ”Folklorica” na szkolnej stronie internetowej. Strona ta zawiera między innymi zaproszenie na krótkoterminową wymianę grup uczniów w Polsce (21-25 października 2019) opracowane pod hasłem ”Ja i mój kraj”, różne aspekty tej nowej przygody z programem Erasmus+ w szkole koordynującej i jednym z pierwszych zajęcia związane z polskimi tańcami tradycyjnymi. To dopiero początek i artykuły będą sukcesywnie umieszczane. Wszystkich, którzy mają ochotę śledzić nasze przygody, zapraszamy do odwiedzenia strony szkoły pod linkiem:

    Dorota Kosińska, nauczyciel, Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Polska