Final Products

  • Final Products

    The final products of this project are:

    • an album of superstitions and folk wisdom;
    • a multimedia presentation of drawings exhibitions related to the ”Legends and Fairy Tales Evening”;
    • a project magazine;
    • a diary with pupils impressions of each mobility;
    • a DVD of traditional dances during each mobility;
    • a DVD of teaching and learning dances during each mobility;
    • an encyclopedia of health;
    • a set of our grandmothers’ recipes;
    • a set of legends (DVD and as a book) in English from all partner countries;
    • a recipes book;
    • this project website.

    Final products achieved by Romania

    At the beginning of the project we established the tasks of each partner school in the achievement of the final products. Thus, Romania engaged to realize two DVDs and managed to add there the traditional dances during each mobility and the movies with the most interesting moments showing the teaching and learning dances during each mobility. Each coordinator received them during the last mobility in Lithuania. Everybody can see them on the internet by opening the links to these movies.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordinator ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu

    La începutul proiectului am stabilit sarcinile fiecărei școli partenere în realizarea produselor finale. Astfel, România s-a angajat să realizeze două DVD-uri și a reușit să adauge acolo dansurile tradiționale din timpul fiecărei mobilități și filmele cu cele mai interesante momente care prezintă dansurile de predare și învățare din fiecare mobilitate. Fiecare coordonator le-a primit în timpul ultimei mobilități din Lituania. Toată lumea le poate vedea pe internet deschizând link-urile către aceste filme.

    Mircea Dorca, profesor al Liceului Teoretic ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu  

    Final Products in PDF (printed by Lithuania)

    The Encyclopedia of Health - Final Product.pdf

    The Set of the Legends - Final Product.pdf

    Project Magazine - Final Product (published by Turkey)

    - the covers of the 4 issues, being too big -

    No. 1

    No. 2 

    No. 3

    No. 4

    - digital versions of Project Magazines on 

    Cookery Book - Final Product (published by Poland)

    The Cover

    The Contents

    The Cookery Book as Movie

    Cypriot Final Product