
  • Folklorica Invitation to the Mobility in Poland

    The host school from Nidzica invited all partner schools in the Erasmus+ project ”Folklorica” to participate in the short-term exchange of groups of pupils in Poland between 21st - 25th October 2019. The partner schools from Sibiu (Romania), Gaziantep (Turkey), Kaunas (Lithuania), Paphos (Cyprus) and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) received a month before the mobility the invitation sent by Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, the project coordinator, and Dorota Dorozińska, the headmaster of the host Polish school. There were 17 participant pupils. Romania, Cyprus and Turkey had each 3 pupils, Lithuania and Spain each 4 ones. Each country had 2 accompanying teachers. With the invitation, the guests also received the mobility program.

    Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, Gimnazjum Nr 2 z Oddziałami integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki, project coordinator

    Folklorica Invitation to the Mobility in Poland.pdf

    Zaproszenie Folklorica do mobilności w Polsce

    Szkoła przyjmująca z Nidzicy zaprosiła wszystkie szkoły partnerskie współpracujące w projekcie Erasmus + „Folklorica” do wzięcia udziału w krótkoterminowej wymianie grup uczniów w Polsce w dniach 21–25 października 2019 r. Szkoły partnerskie z Sybinu (Rumunia), Gaziantep (Turcja) , Kowno (Litwa), Pafos (Cypr) i Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Hiszpania) otrzymały na miesiąc przed mobilnością zaproszenie wysłane przez koordynatora projektu Mariolę Podolską-Maculewicz oraz Dorotę Dorozińską, dyrektor polskiej szkoły przyjmującej. Uczestniczyło w nim 17 uczniów. Rumunia, Cypr i Turcja miały po 3 uczniów, Litwa i Hiszpania po 4 uczniów. Każdy kraj miał 2 nauczycieli towarzyszących. Z zaproszeniem goście otrzymali również program mobilności.

    Dorota Dorozińska, dyrektor, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Poland  

    Folklorica Invitation to the Mobility in Romania

    The host school from Sibiu City invited all partner schools in the Erasmus+ project ”Folklorica” to participate in the short-term exchange of groups of pupils in Romania between 30th November - 6th December 2019. The partner schools from Nidzica, Gaziantep, Kaunas, Paphos and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria got before the mobility in Romania the invitation sent by Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the coordinator in ”Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School Sibiu, and Mihai Ordean, the headmaster of the host school. There were 19 participant pupils. Poland, Spain and Turkey had each 4 pupils, Cyprus had 5 pupils and Lithuania 2 ones. There were 2 accompanying teachers from each school, except Poland (3 teachers). The invitation was first signed by the host coordinator and then signed and stamped by the high school headmaster. The program of the mobility in Romania was sent both for pupils and teachers together with this invitation, as well as the chart with the participants’ emails, phone numbers, age, gender, guest/host pairs and food allergies.   

    Daniela Cioplea, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School, Sibiu   

    Folklorica Invitation to the Mobility in Romania.pdf

    Invitatie „Folclorica” la mobilitatea din Romania

    Școala gazdă din orașul Sibiu a invitat toate școlile partenere din proiectul Erasmus+ „Folklorica” să participe la schimbul pe termen scurt de grupuri de elevi din România în perioada 30 noiembrie - 6 decembrie 2019. Școlile partenere din Nidzica, Gaziantep, Kaunas, Paphos și Las Palmas de Gran Canaria au primit înaintea mobilității din România invitația trimisă de Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordonatorul Liceului Teoretic „Constantin Noica” Sibiu și Mihai Ordean, directorul școlii gazdă. Au fost 19 elevi participanți. Polonia, Spania și Turcia au avut fiecare câte 4 elevi, Cipru a avut 5 elevi și Lituania 2. Au fost 2 profesori însoțitori de la fiecare școală, cu excepția Poloniei (3 profesori). Invitația a fost semnată mai întâi de coordonatorul gazdă, apoi semnată și ștampilată de directorul liceului. Programul mobilității din România a fost trimis atât pentru elevi, cât și pentru profesori, împreună cu această invitație, ca și tabelul cu email-urile, numerele de telefon, vârsta, sexul, perechile oaspeți/gazdă și alergiile alimentare.  

    Mircea Dorca, profesor al Liceului Teoretic ”Constantin Noica” Sibiu  

    The Other 4 Invitations in PDF

    Invitation to Gaziantep (Turkey).pdf

    Invitation to Kaunas (Lithuania).pdf

    Invitation to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain).pdf

    Invitation to Pafos (Cyprus).pdf