The Romanian Song ”Alunelu”
The pupils of the 2nd grade in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu prepared a folk song for their partners within the Erasmus+ project ”Folklorica” 2019-2021. They have sung and acted in their classroom, guided by their primary level teacher. The song entered in the project international contest. In order to be learned by the partner pupils, they have written the lyrics of the first stanza and the refrain. In addition, they have sent to their project partners the melody on the stave and the phonetic transcription.
Marius Macrea, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu
Alunelu - Phonetic Transcription.doc.pdf
Alunelu - Translation.docx.pdf
Cântecul românesc „Alunelu”
Elevii clasei a II-a din Liceul „Constantin Noica” Sibiu au pregătit un cântec popular pentru partenerii lor din cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ „Folklorica” 2019-2021. Au cântat și au jucat în sala de clasă, îndrumați de învățătoarea lor. Cântecul s-a înscris în concursul internațional al proiectului. Pentru a fi învățaț de către elevii parteneri, ei au scris versurile primei strofe și refrenul. În plus, ei le-au trimis partenerilor lor de proiect melodia pe portativ și transcrierea fonetică.
Adina Secu, profesor, ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu
The Song Named “Gaziantep Yolunda”
The pupils in the project group of “Folklorica”, chose a popular song in our city. It was already decided that each partner country was going to prepare a song for the their partners to sing in their countries. The song that was chosen belong to Gazintep region. The story of the song is as follows. According to the story, there was a man who fell in love with a woman from Armenia. The man both got tuberculosis and couldn’t have the woman he loved. There was also another issue related to different religions. The only remedy was to change religions for them. In the song, their sad story is told.
Umut Uysaler, coordinator, Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Turkey
“Gaziantep Yolunda” Adlı Türkü
“Folklorica” projesinde görevli öğrencilerimiz, şehrimizde iyi bilinen bir şarkıyı seçmiştir. Proje de önceden kararlaştırıldığı gibi, her ülke ortaklarına okullarında. Bu Gaziantep türküsü de bir Ermeni kızına âşık olan genci anlatır. Genç hem aşkından verem olmuştur ve hem de sevdiğine kavuşamamıştır. Aralarında bir de din sorunu vardır. Çare de ya Ermeni kızının Müslüman olması, ya da gencin Ermeni olmasıdır. Ne güzel, ne dertli bir türküdür bu.
Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Turkey
Lyrics and Phonetic Transcription Gaziantep Yolunda.pdf
Let’s Sing Together "Ay Teror!"
The Spanish partner school in the Erasmus+ project "Folklorica" proposed a traditional folk song entitled "Ay Teror!". The video, which is three minutes long, has got the version in English and in Spanish. Using the link from Youtube, we were able to upload the song on the eTwinning platform. The Spanish team hope that their project partners will appreciate this beautiful song and will try to sing it.
Sara González Gil, coordinator, IES Pérez Galdós, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
¡Cantemos juntos, Ay Teror!
La escuela española asociada en el proyecto Erasmus + "Folklorica" propuso una canción popular tradicional titulada "¡Ay Teror!". El video, que dura tres minutos, tiene la versión en inglés y en español. Usando el enlace de Youtube, pudimos subir la canción en la plataforma eTwinning. El equipo español espera que sus socios del proyecto aprecien esta hermosa canción e intenten cantarla.
Carmen Martin Alfonso, director de escuela in IES Pérez Galdós, Spain
Ay Teror! Lyrics Spanish Song.doc
A Traditional Song from Cyprus
” I Loved Her That Heart” is the title of the folk song proposed by the Erasmus+ team from Cyprus to be appreciated, voted and sung by the pupils from all the other five partner schools. The Cypriot team wrote the song both in Greek and Latin letters to be better understand by the European partners who will try to learn it. It is an immortal song, much loved by the Cypriot people. Try to sing it, dear friends!
Gabriella Theodosiou, coordinator, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Cyprus
Éna paradosiakó tragoúdi apó tin Kýpro
”Agapisa tin pou karkias” eínai o títlos tou dimotikoú tragoudioú pou proteínetai apó tin omáda Erasmus + apó tin Kýpro gia na ektimitheí, na psifisteí kai na tragouditheí apó tous mathités apó ta ypóloipa pénte scholeía synergátes. I kypriakí omáda égrapse to tragoúdi tóso se ellinikés óso kai latinikés epistolés, óste na katanoitheí kalýtera apó tous Evropaíous etaírous pou tha prospathísoun na to máthoun. Eínai éna athánato tragoúdi, agapiméno apó ton kypriakó laó. Prospathíste na to tragoudísete, agapitoí fíloi!
Despina Fysentzou, dáskalos, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Kýpros
Agapisa tin pou karkias The Cypriot Song.docx
Hej z góry z góry jadą Mazury!”
The song the Polish partner team from Nidzica proposed one of the famous folk in Poland which is easy to learn, mainly the lyrics for only one stanza and the refrain, as well as the phonetic transcription was prepared in this respect. Its title is ”Hej z góry z góry jadą Mazury!”. The song was sent to the others partners in ”Folklorica” project through the Google Group we have created especially for a good cooperation. The video film presents the song sung with the accompaniment of the guitar.
Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, project coordinator; Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 z Oddziałami integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki w Nidzicy, Poland
Hej z góry, z góry jadą Mazury
Piosenka zaproponowana przez polskiego partnera z Nidzicy to jedna ze słynnych piosenek ludowych w Polsce, która jest łatwa do nauczenia. Jej tytuł brzmi ”Hej z góry z góry jadą Mazury”. Piosenka została wysłana do innych partnerów w projekcie ”Folklorica” za pośrednictwem Google Group, którą stworzyliśmy specjalnie dla dobrej współpracy. Filmik wideo przedstawia piosenkę śpiewaną z akompaniamentem gitary.
Hej z góry, z góry jadą Mazury Polish Song.docx.doc
Down the River
The lyrics of the song ”Down the River” express the proud to be an inhabitant of Kaunas, a city considered to be the heart of Lithuania. It is the feeling belonging not only to the singer of the song, who was floating slowly down the river but also to all those who grew up near the river Nemunas. The Lithuanian team sent this song to the Erasmus+ partners to learn it by heart. In order to help them, the phonetic transcription of the song was sent to them. The video film with the song also contain images with the wonderful Lithuanian landscapes.
Kristina Joksiene, coordinator, Prezidento V. Adamkaus gimnazija, Kaunas
Žemyn upe
Dainos ,,Žemyn upe“ žodžiai išreiškia gyventojų pasididžiavimą Kauno miestu, kuris yra laikomas Lietuvos širdimi. Kaunu didžiuojasi ne tik daininninkas lėtai plūduriuojantis upe, bet ir visi, užaugę prie Nemuno. Šią dainą Lietuvos komanda išrinko ir nusiuntė Erasmus+ partneriams išmokti. Kartu buvo nusiųsta ir fonetinė dainos transkripcija. Dainos vaizdo įraše matomi nuostabūs Lietuvos vaizdai.
Vita Janusiene, mokytojas in Prezidento V. Adamkaus gimnazija, Kaunas
Žemyn upe Lithuanian Song.docx
International Song Contest.docx
Tarptautinis dainų konkursas.docx
Song Contest
Having received songs from our partners, we started cooperation with pupils to decide which group was going to sing the songs of partner countries. We made a contest at school to determine the singers and recorded those who were the winners.
Yahya Akkurt, teacher Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Turkey
Şarkı Yarışması
Ortaklarımızdan şarkılar aldıktan sonra, hangi grubun ortak ülkelerin şarkılarını söyleyeceğine karar vermek için öğrencilerle işbirliğine başladık. Okulda şarkıcıları belirlemek için bir yarışma yaptık ve kazananları kaydettik.
Aydın Acar, öğretmen Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Türkiye