Short Evaluation of CE


    About the Task

    In this part, you can find  a short evalaution about  the activities to have been carried out in Cafe Europe and the students’ participation in the activities ..etc.


    Ünsal  Saper

     Zile Fevzi Çakmak Ortaokulu -Tokat/Turkey

    It can be seen that most of the students  participated in the activities in Cafe Europe.They posted videos about Europe,created posters about Europe.The students collaborated with their peers from other project countries through the collaborative mindmaps and they suggested a few lines on forumpage  to create a joint European song and made melodies for their songs.

    We suggested  some useful links to the involved students about Europe and EU.After the Cafe activities,most of them took the online quizz of Cafe Europe and they also posted their comments on padlet. The results of the quiz shows that the activities in this cafe reached its aim.