Environmental words fron Natural Spaces Andalucía "Sierra de las Nieves":Pinsapo and Wildlife Refuge. Teacher: Karen Quill
Environmental Dictionary POLANDTEAM:Wiktoria Florczak with coopertion with:Natalia ChojnackaMaria GoralGabriela LazarekTomasz Marcinkowski
4ºA Rocío Gaspar´s group, Amelia, Margarita, Salvador. Teacher: Karen Quill
IES Costa del Sol. TEAM: Celia Bi Ru Chen, Sergio Cano, Alejandro Puerto, Daniel Danielov, David Olmedo, María Barea, Luca Mahlke, Enrique Demera, Elvira Avilés, Kaja Dapkeviciute
4ºA Adriana´s group: Pablo, Carhen and Naila. Teacher: K. Quill
4ºA Natalia Chamorro´s group. J. Mauel, Jorge, Isabella. Teacher K. Quill
Erik, Lucía, Gaston and Paulas group. Teacher: K. Quill
Jorge , Mario, Emilio and Ana have worked on Cazorla Natural Park. Teacher: Karen Quill
Environmental Dictionary TURKEY
4ºA. Yordan´s group: Carla, Neo, Yachay. Teacher: K. Quill
Bazon LaviniaPanțiru Florin Rădeanu Teodora Ilinca Tătaru Sabina Vizitiu Andreiprof: Berbeneciuc Alina & Apătăchioae Nicoleta
Environmental Words-IIS della corte vanvitelli Cava De' Tirreni-Italia (PDF)teacher:Gianna Barrella
Environmental Words-IIS della corte vanvitelli Cava De' Tirreni-Italia (PPTX)teacher:Gianna Barrella
Step by Step for the creation of Environmental Presentations and Dictionary In all 6 schools we had had cooperation between the Science, ICT , English and Art Departments. The project has been embeded in school´s anual work plan to be developed in all 4 areas.Agreemnets between school for steps to work on international groups of students at the live event in Torremolinos. Common Workshop with students was celebrated on the 19 th of February.