Collaborating, sharing information, planning work step by step, sequencing targets and objectives have been part of the tasks of our project. The project has been well organized and sequenced with all associates, teams of teachers, students and the involved outsider organizations. Planning and implementation of the main activities such as their presentations, definitions for the Dictionary, Stem group work, infographics, workshops., etc. All School coordinators have had to take a lot of responsibility in preparing both student and teacher groups of their schools to form part of the international teams, working on timeline schedules, integrated curriculum in cooperation with the different departments involved. Stem group leaflets, PPTs, Environmental definitions for Dictionary, Green videos, Green Monopoly, Final legend book in digital and paper format, and the digital photo gallery are product produced by our association.
We have had some very active live events on eTwinning with the cooperation of students and teachers For the closure of the project we gathered 52 people.Due to covid Situation we have added a section in which students have collaborated with sharing their views from their windows, as well as projects on how nature has behaved with confinement. Students joined in on a chat and forum event.