
    Active Green Alliance  eTwinning / Erasmus + project  is a two year project which refers to the development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences in students and schools. The project aims to exchange good practices in the field of education, related to activities concentrated on active environmental involvement.

    We have worked in two stages s 2018-2019  “Green Alliance” was  implemented through the collaboration of five partner schools, Italy, Romania, Spain and Turkey, being the polish school the coordinator and is connected to another  previous  team of work and project “Etwinning per progettare -Alliance for a green world” developed in 2016. Content  for 2018-19 can be seen on Green Alliance https://live.etwinning.net/projects/project/176911

    For the period of 2019 -2020 a new School has joined the association IES Cerro del Viento. "Active Green Alliance was founded " The reason has been the change of school of the project founders eTwinning Ambassador Karen Quill. The association has been a success as collaboration between schools has been intense with online participation, crearion of events, live participation of students and teachers 

    The project has looked to attract our students’ attention on environmental issues, to foster awareness of social, political and economic interdependence at local, regional, national, international and global levels. Throughout the project participants have had the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes, commitment and skills needed to protect and improve their environmental perception and knowledge.


    We are satisfied with the extent of our results as can be seen in evaluation survey results and analysis. 96% of our Projects particpant Environmental awareness has risen and particpants are now atracted towards being involved in activities concerning climate change, environment pollution measures, and the protection of the Natural Spaces of their territories.

    We have produced some attractive Educational Products such as a digital version of Green Monopoly: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/337000359/fullscreen/

    A good  digital edition  of Environmetal Dictionary on Story Jumper.


    As well as a Collaborative Green Video and  Final Photogallery 



    An International website with air polution measurements from our 5 countries taken from our Pollution sensor installed at our schools  and  We are present in Social Media.


    Covid 19 School shut down has not stopped us collaborating our participants have joined in on a specially created Environmental Twinboard to share participants experiences, videos, infographics, window views and we all joined together for a final event to exchange our views.
