• During this mobility, we will focus on the Literature and Languages theme and perform the scenes written by students.

    Here is the program:



      The content of this mobility is inspired by our national curriculums as far as teaching literature and languages is concerned. To be literate citizens, our schools programmes insist on reading, writing skills and communicating in their mother tongue and in a foreign language. As the main line of our mobilities is to have our students perform plays they will have written before, this mobility will be their second stage. The main theme of the scenes will be to put into action national literature characters. Before the mobility takes place, they will have shared about their reading favorites on an online bookclub . They will have presented the story line, the characters, and will have challenged each other to use the different elements to write scenes to play. Students who will join this meeting will have be chosen among those volunteering to join and showing great motivation for the tackled theme. To ensure their motivation we will ask them to write or present what drives them to join the meeting.  During the meeting they will thus:

    -give a more concrete turn to their research about their partners' culture by writing and illustrating together a common interactive presentation including local documents on their host partners' culture after visiting and exploring the country, using an innovative tool such as Canva or The presentation will include everyday activities to upload on twinspace and other websites in order to disseminate.

    -learn about their host partners' literature inheritage and visit places of interest.

    -attend a contest and activities around reading, spelling, creative writing to show their talent.  

    -teach the basics of their mother tongue to their partners with the help of their teachers.

    -prepare the second performance. They will rehearse the scenes they have written online to play in the host school The school community, other local partners will be invited to visit the school that day to see the work done.

     -They will be evaluated at the end of the activity and we will compare the progress to assess the impact of the activities.

    -They will help prepare the movie about the activities of the week.