We will prepare and use a dissemination plan to inform the school community, stakeholders, local representatives, local schools to advertise about the opportunities given by the Erasmus programme, about our project and its objectives, to spread the results, experiences, products and good practices in order to highlight the success of the partnership. Since the local press will be invited to communicate on our actions, stakeholders will benefit from the social recognition we'll gain from the project. We also hope to encourage them to get more involved in the Erasmus programme, and encourage local schools to apply for the programme.
Every school will also use their native language in their dissemination activities to reach more people locally within the partnership’s target group. Our work on this project will be an encouragement for other schools in the area to make efforts to start similar projects. Our target audience will also be invited for our celebrations, (if the sanitary situation allows it) namely those taking place during students' mobilities. Local press will be invited for the opening ceremonies that will take place in each school and every time a celebration takes place.
We will use newspaper articles, brochures, leaflets, books, DVDs, presentations, website/blogs and social media to distribute our project progress and results to local communities, to the Life Long Learning Community and to all our target audiences.
As to students, they will be part of the process too : the material they will create (posters, ppts, online magazines/ebools) will be used during the presentation ceremonies and on our dissemination platforms to communicate about our project.
There will be regular project meetings at school, both for teachers and students, project corners, exhibitions at school will be always updated to make everyone informed about the progress and outcome of the partnership. Leaflets, items will be distributed to make the project even more visible.
Parents, who have an important role to play as regards circulating the information, will be regularly informed thanks to meetings, newsletters or website blogs about the progress . They will be informed every time an activity, a cultural visit, an expert workshop meant for students is funded thanks to the programme. It is important to attract parents’ interest at our schools and educational events.
We also aim at inviting teachers and representatives from other schools to attend workshops and our events in order to encourage more schools to take part in similar projects. Online eTwinning events with videoconfrences will be held.We will offer to present and show how to fill in applications and how to work on collaborative projects as some of us are etwinning ambassadors.Where possible, we will present our partnership work and progress in educational symposiums, conferences, and seminars at the local and national levels. In any educational event in our schools or in our local area, we will use all the possible opportunities to spread the news, progress and results of our partnership