Teacher in charge of managing this activity: Amada Durán
Public domain image.
Safer Internet Day (SID) celebration will take place on Tuesday, 09 February 2021. The campaign`s slogan, "Together for a better internet," is a call to action for all skateholders to join together and play they part in creating a better internet for everyone, and specially for younger users.
Image created for the project.
1-Review the e-safety and netiquette rules:
eSafety rules.pdf
topnetiquette rules.pdf
2-Test your knowledge about ciber security and netiquette with some quizzes:
E-Safety quiz
Cyber Safety
Digital Etiquette
3-Leave two tips on esafety and netiquette on the TwinBoard.
4-Debate: Among the safety tips that your partners have written, which ones would you choose and why?
Hello from Greece! We solved the quizzes!