Tree Planting in the Outdoor Learning Zone - March 2021

  • March 17th 2021

    We have loved planting more trees in our forest school recently. Hopefully, the Spring weather will find a window for our tree growth!

    Allowing our children to get out and explore the natural environment surrounding school is of great importance as we come out of lockdown. Therefore, over the next few months we have some really interesting plans that are building momentum and aim to change the forest school into a new area which we will call the ‘Outdoor Learning Zone’.

    This change opens a vast wealth of diverse activities that children can engage in and develop confidence, gross motor skills and their abilities to risk-assess danger in their lives.

    We will check in with you when we have new developments! For now, here are some photos of the last trees being planted.
    These trees could potentially grow to become up to 70 years old! Imagine that!