Student Survey on Physical Exercise and Dietary Habits

  • October-November 2019:

    Creation of an electronic questionnaire (survey) around the dietary habits of the students, the answers of students and extraction of conclusions as a kick-off activity of out Erasmus+ Project. The aim of the activity is

    1. to investigate and record the dietary habits and exercise of our students in their everyday life and extract conclusions for future use
    2. to develop electronic literacy of students through the creation of the survey questions by students themselves and  by answering on line questions
    3. to enhance self autonomy of students.

    The design of the survey questions was undertaken by students of 6th grade (11yr old) who, after being divided in groups of 2, formed questions concerning diet and sports. After that, the most relevant and suitable questions were chosen in order to form a common questionnaire using the internet service Google Forms. Subsequently, the questionnaire/survey  was electronically answered by all students of our school. During the whole activity the ICT teacher was monitoring and guiding the students. The results of the survey were further discussed in class to set goals for the future.