Dear Pupils,
Here is a list of ice-breaking tasks you should complete in order to introduce yourself to our partners and to get to know them.
What should you do?
- Go to the TwinSpace page "Students get to know each other" Prepare a short introduction of yourself. Include your TwinSpace name, age, school & country and your interests
- On the TwinSpace page "Students get to know each other", prepare a text to provide some interesting information about you in the Students' Wakelet.
- Edit your TwinSpace profile adding name, age & grade, interests (sports, hobbies, free time) and preferences (food), skills (Foreign Languages)
- Select a member of the TwinSpace and visit his/her page. Remember: choose an international parnter (not someone from your class or school. Use their wall to post comments on their profile after reading their profile e.g. In my free time I like playing football. What do you like doing in your free time? or I noticed in your profile that you like collecting stamps. Do you have any rare ones?
- Send a message through TwinMail to two or three international partners and describe your town.
- Use the chat tool to talk about online games and invite your eTwinning friends to play together one of the climate games suggested in the Games page