Planting trees

  • Trees are one of the best  ways to tackle climate change.

    They absorb and store carbon dioxide, stop soil erosion and are the most effective land cover for maintaining water quality. 

    Plant a tree and help combat climate change.

    Jadev Payeng, the forest man of India, noticed that the environment around him was changing.

    Trees were dying, the river was flooding, animals were fleeing, and the land was disappearing. But instead of sitting back, watching it happen, he actually did something about it and created a huge change.

    Today, the forest he started planting over 40 years ago is bigger than New York’s central park!

    Watch this video!


    You can make a difference.

  • What initiatives are there in your town regarding tree planting as a way to combat climate change?

    Tree planting in Croatia

    25th - 27th October 2019.