
  • Throughout the project, the students interact with their partners. 

    They are given opportunities to communicate about topics of interest either asynchronously 

    in the Games & interaction Forum,  discussing the project logo Forum,

    or interacting on the Project Journal about activities, on each other's walls or through the TwinMail 

    (see documentation on the TwinBoard below)

    or synchronously at the Final Online Meeting when, despite the difficulties posed by the school closures due to COVID- 19, they meet online and discuss their findings and newly acquired knowledge. 

    The results of the students' interaction are:

    the Project Logo

    the "Renewed world after COVID-19?" padlet wall

    Climate Change Glossary-spreadsheet


    Students interact with each other using different tools on different occasions

  • Documentation board

    Commenting on partners' posts

    on the Project Journal

    Contacting each other

    through TwinMail

    Students from Greece review the games posted by Croatian partners
    Playing the games suggested by partners

    & commenting on them

    commenting on the logos submitted to be voted
    "Questions about Climate Change" Google Jamboard

    Project students post questions for the invited experts from Finland & Greece to answer

    Students interact on international partners' walls

    based on their preferences, likes, hobbies & sports