Environmental Kahoot Game

  • Project teachers work synchronously (online meetings) and asynchronously (Google doc) to prepare the content (Environmental Education Quiz-Google form) and the layout of the Kahoot assessment game.

    Project teachers discussed the creation of a Kahoot game that would motivate learners to study the material on climate change that has been collected on the TwinSpace page "Final Online Meeting" - "Resources for students" TwinBoard. The resources are mainly the study material collected by teachers and students throughout the project (see Project topics- Study material). The TwinBoard is also enriched with links to news items and photos taken by teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    The teachers divided the study material among them. Anita & Natalia formed questions, provided answers and distractors and Justyna put them all together in a game of Kahoot. The teachers met once more to discuss the game and give it its final touches before the students'online meeting on May 28th where the students actually played the game and tested the knowledge acquired during the project.   

    Click on the screenshot to play the game.