Mar. 2020 Exploring the Saint James Way in a beginners' Spanish class Year 9 (TRI)

  • At HGT there is the voluntary option of learning Spanish as a 3rd foreign language in Year 9 (after French and English). So we are a beginners' course of Spanish and have been learning the language since the beginning of the school year 2019/2020. In February we started to research the St. James Way in Spain. Our teacher, Mrs Rebmann, gave us some material and texts and we could also look up things on the internet. Then we had to create posters about what we had found out. Sadly, most groups did not finish their posters because the schools were closed because of Covid-19. But here is one posters that was finished and which is really nice.

    (Spanischgruppe, 9. Klasse, 1. Lehrjahr)
