Nov. 2019 - Birth of our e-book (VLC)

  • Valencia, nov. 22nd 2019

    The Valencian section of the digital book of our project is being born. The English department at IES Benlliure has already started the Digital Book activity. Soon we will show you the first results.

    This is how we got started:

    We set a whole week to work on the project during our English classes from Monday November 18thto Friday 22nd. On Monday November 18th the teachers explained the project to the students. Students were provided with information via Moddle. Moodle contained information on the different stages of the Levante Section of the Way of Saint James.This information is basically web-based, so students had to find information with some suggested links. This procedure is similar to Webquests.


    In the first session, students got information about collaborative working and the goal of this way of working, too. The second day of class, students went to the computer room and work on their draft. On the third day, they finished writing the composition in class. Additional information about marking and language work was provided for the students, too. 


    After this first writing step, their drafts were revised by the teachers. The students were given feedback on their stories, but also the language used. The last week before Christmas, students worked together again to write the second and definite draft. The end results can be seen here: