We gave closure to the project paying a visit to EOI La Seu d'Urgell on 17/18 June 2022. We had our final meeting (both online and face to face), where we drew conclusions on the assessment form all teachers filled in, and where we asked teachers three basic questions, using Mentimeter:
- Three Things I learnt

- Three Things I'd like to repeat

- Three pieces of advice for future projects

And here's a little poster that summarizes the spirit of the whole weekend together: Simply Great ;-))
When working on a project, every single step is important, and we have learnt that efforts need to be constantly made to keep the group together: without a cohesive group, things don't flow as well. The human side is really important. But giving a project a good closure is a must, too, and the one we gave will be surely remembered with fondness.
They say "An Image is Worth a Thousand Words": Judge for yourselves.