Street Art
English as a Foreign Language B2 - C1 (CEFR)
Street Art- Versión en Español.pdf
This being the second year of the project, we decided to tackle the concept of interculturality by focusing on a different art form, namely Street Art, to gain some insight on what it might entail for both communities and cities from different cultural backgrounds.
Since Street Art encompases any kind of visual art created in public locations, students have had their say in not only choosing the work of art they wanted to work on but also exploring its contextual information so as to deepen their understanding of the artwork.
Below, you may see the end-product of this year's etwinning school project about interculturality in which B2-C1 students from the EOI Hospitalet and EOI La Seu d'Urgell have been asked to collaboratively reflect on and relate to individually chosen works of Street Art.
Just click on the image below / Hacer click en la imagen

Further information on the project & Versión en Español
Keywords: intercultural, street art, graffiti, graphic design, social issues, critical thinking, creativity, visual art.