Checklist 4


    DemEUcracy for ALL!

    Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078358 

    Project Activities Checklist 4 -Preparation for Let’s Be Agents of Change

    Previous Date

    New Date





    March 22



    Dissemination activities
    Photo exhibitions and public session for the whole school in order to share experience
    Teaching materials will be used in different classes






    April/May 22

    BEFORE THE MEETING in Serbia in September/October 22

    1. Role Models defending Human Rights

     In all schools, pupils in different classes, levels, sectors and subjects will study about young role models, who are active in areas such as civil rights, encouragement to vote, compulsory use of the hijab, right to education for girls, child marriage, child slavery, children in war scenarios, racism and LGBT rights. Sec. students will share their results (picture and text) on TS. Arts and Graphic Design students, will create digital Posters with information shared. By means of Google Forms, school communities in all partner countries will vote on the best Poster. Each school will create a Roll-Up with the Role Model Poster which will be exposed at the entrance of the school to motivate pupils to be active Agents of Change.














    April/May 22

    B) If I were in your shoes

     Pre)Primary children will play a game in which they experience how it is to have a disability (being blind or communicate without speaking or doing things with only one hand). They will make drawings of this experience. This will develop their empathy towards children with disabilities and promote their sense of inclusion. Drawings from all partner schools will be posted on TS.

    The Serbian partner will carry out a simulation of a real voting scenario. The twelve most voted drawings will be included in a calendar created by Serbia.














    May/June 22


    C)Let’s be agents of change

    Sec. students, to follow the example of the Role Models, will carry out a solidarity action in institutions for disabled people in their communities. This will prepare participating students for the colleagues in Serbia. Integrated in partner schools’ activities, students will make contacts, define a plan, make a campaign and implement an action of solidarity. A documentary of each activity will be filmed and shared on TS. The Serbian partner translates the films into Serbian sign language.



















    D) Serbian students will find an institution to be helped by the fundraising campaign.







    Sep/Oct 22



    E) All partners will take to Serbia products that can be sold at the fundraising campaign.






    Sep/Oct 22


    F) Serbian students will prepare a bilingual leaflet with Serbian language for the language workshop VOKI

