• It is essential to measure the previously mentioned impacts in order to assess if the implementation of activities and dissemination and exploitation of project results have lead to the achievement of project objectives. There will be diverse moments, data sources and data collection methods which will assure a globalised vision of accomplishment of project objectives and its short and long-term impact.

    DIGITAL ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRES (quantitative evaluation of the impact)

    There will be four different digital online questionnaires (aimed at students, teachers, parents and headteachers) of all participating schools and associated partners, which will be applied in three different moments: -November 2021-after the first year of the project -September 2022- after the second year of the project -September 2023-one year after the end of the project The questions in each of these questionnaires will be answered by means of a Likert scale. 

    There will be reports of the results of each questionnaire and the French partner will make a comparative analysis in all evaluation moments in order to assess the evolution of the desired impact. All results will be published on the project’s Twinspace and website and partner schools' communication channels. They will be discussed in meetings with interested stakeholders in and out of participating organistions. This way, there will be a widespread awareness of the impact of the project at long-term.

    WRITTEN REPORTS (qualitative evaluation of the impact)

    As the emotional impact of the project is hard to measure by means of questionnaires, after each short-term exchange of pupils, students will write a short report, in which they freely share their feelings regarding their mobility/hosting experience. Reports will be shared on the project’s Twinspace and website as well as exhibited in the schools' media channels.

    Memories of the Meeting in Denmark

    Memories of the Meeting in Portugal