III Liceum Ogolnokształcące, Poland

  • https://www.google.pl/maps/place/III+Liceum+Og%C3%B3lnokszta%C5%82c%C4%85ce+im.+Cypriana+Kamila+Norwida/@50.3901426,-1.263709,4z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x472367ae74ca2e7f:0x1a56b37d2e06c4d!8m2!3d50.725163!4d23.257776








                   III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. C.K. Norwida in Zamość is a reference institution for students aged 15-19 from the town of Zamość and areas within 50 km , and recently also for foreign students, mainly from Ukraine. In carrying out its statutory tasks , the school provides education for almost 1000 pupils. Students study in classes of different profiles....

                   Among the basic tasks, the school staff and students actively participate in life of the community of Zamość and the surrounding area, taking part in actions organized by the commune (e.g. events and competitions in the field of culture, literature and art), by charity organizations and by supra-regional institutions. At the international level, in addition to many years of cooperation with Italian schools on various levels and under various actions (formerly Socrates, then Comenius - student exchanges,  WIUC individual student language trips, cooperation with the CALCIF Language Centre of the Universita degi Studi di Milano - trainee training and organising language camps), our programme also included two successful individual Comenius students exchanges with a school in Italy completed in 2013 and scholarships funded by the University of Milan. We have recently complited ‘Bez obaw’ (‘Worry-free’) project, which addresses the issue of exclusion of new pupils at school.

                  In addition, the school takes part in AIESEC activities, hosting students from the furthest corners of the world, trying to promote an open and non-judgmental approach, and carries out e-Twinning projects with schools in Spain, Norway and Portugal.

                  The current project DemEUcracy for All and its online version on the e-Twinning platform is another great undertaking, which proves that the C.K. Norwid Secondary School in Zamość is a dynamically operating school in terms of teaching tolerance towards all people and educating the need for international contacts.