A7: New technologies. Clil lesson.

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-jqBI6WqW_PV2k0ZXc5eUFTZ00/view?usp=sharing


    Agorastou Katerina

    Papavramidis Filaretos



    Subject: ICT, technology, theoretical principles of economy


    Title: Start Up a Technologic Business: Create your Own Business Plan in the

              sector of technology


    Age Group: Secondary School (12 - 15)

                         Intermediated, Mixed Ability Class

                   B1 according to CEF (Common European Framework)


    Group size: 25 students in class (3-6 pupils in a group)

    Timing: 40 – 45 minutes

    Place: Computers` Lab


    Introduction: This Didactic Unit aims at studying the theoretical principles of economy in the context of a sectional approach through the practice of simulation. Students are asked to carry out the setting up of a business plan. They acquire knowledge that will help them understand the economic and social environment and familiarize themselves with institutions, factors, functions and processes of economic life.


    Learning Outcomes:

    • Be able to discuss the concept of a business plan by considering the issue in its sectional dimension.
    • To identify the factors that influence the development of a business.
    • To be aware of the disciplines related to a business (production, promotion, management, sale, etc.).
    • To recognize the differences between the disciplines related to this field (e.g. management vs marketing).
    • To develop effective internet search skills and selection of appropriate information.
    • To practice in producing speech and processing material (photos, video) with the help of the means offered by technology.


    Subject Content:

    • The genre of business plan.
    • Theoretical principles of economy (product value formation, job formation, consumption etc).
    • Different types of disciplines related to a business (marketing and sales strategy, management team and personnel set-up, facilities and delivery of products, financial plan and projection).


    Language Objectives:

    • To clarify the terminology: business plan, diffusion actions to set up a business.
    • To enrich their vocabulary.
    • To acquire new information about computer technology - google documents.
    • To exercise the collaborative production of spoken and written language.


    Task: A final presentation on the concept of setting up a Business Plan in the sector of technology as well as the elements that compose it, the disciplines that is made up of and the skills of workers associated with it.


    • Watching a video about how creating a business plan.
    • Presentation of a business plan tutorial in Power Point.
    • Activities involved in the use of the tool of Google Slides: Answer short questions about the video; defining vocabulary; labelling pictures about businesses; writing a short comparative text about the disciplines that constitute the business and the skills of workers associated with it.
    • Gathering information to make a presentation (group work, brainstorm).



    • Create groups of pupils, one pupil of every country in each group.


    • Watch the motivating video:




    • Each team has to make a presentation on Google slides in which:
      • Create six slides, one slide for every section of the Business Plan.  
      • On the first slide, every team will include business details, such us name, business logo, central location and the product they sale, about one of the below businesses which the teacher give them (Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Intel, AMD, Ubisoft). They will pretend that these businesses are new start up and they have not previously existed.
      • On the second slide, every team will write about marketing and sales strategy which is about target group of people who are going to buy their product and how they are going to sale it, for example on the internet or in shops etc.
      • On the third slide, every team will write about how to manage their employees, for example what the expertise of your employees should be.
      • On the forth slide, every team will write about the set-up of their business, such as the facilities (storage, servers, shops, offices) and how they plan to deliver the products to the costumers.
      • On the fifth slide, every team will write about the financial plans of their business. Every team will write the price of their product, the summary of the salaries of the employees for one year, the summary of the rents for the facilities of one year, the cost of the materials to produce the product, the profit per Laptop and finally how many products they must sale during this year in order for their business to have profit. They will also note the amount of money that will bring Summary of the Rents for the Facilities of one year profit. All the above numbers will be imaginary, but they have to be close to reality.  
      • On the sixth slide, every team will write about the executive summary of their business. They will explain why they believe their company will succeed.


    • Each team has to present the Google slide to the class:
      • First, they present their business and the reason why they believe it will be a successful business.
      • After that, they present all the slides to the class.
      • Finally, they have 1 minute to persuade their classmates to buy their product.


    • Each team has to add a new slide with their names and send the Google slide to the teacher.

