Prior to the beginning of the project (first term school year 2015-2016), we tried to carry out an evaluation of the students interested in taking part in the project to know what was his linguistic level and his knowldege of the different aspects which would be developed during the project. The Spanish team used two tools for this purpose: a personal interview and a survey.
The personal interviews we led contained the following questions:
1. Can you name one of the targets of the project?
2. Can you tell us which countries participate in the project?
3. What is the main topic of the project?
4. Do you know how to create a blog?
5. Why do you want to take part in this project?
6. Have you ever been abroad?
7. Do you find it easy to meet new people?
8. Imagine a foreign boy/girl comes to your house for a week. What would you do with him/her?
9. Imagine you have to live for a week in a house with foreign people. What would you do?
10. What do you know about Bulgaria / Lithuania / Poland / Romania / Greece? (food, language, customs, geography, politics ...)
11. What are you like? What is your personality like? How would you describe yourself?
12. Do you often use the new twchnologies? How? What for?
This questionnaire was elaborated with the contributions of the different teams and each country made his own adaptation to its needs. Such a questionnaire evaluated aspects such as language skills, digital skills and labour market knowledge.
The survey was completed by 43 students, of which:
41.8% studied 2º ESO (13-14 years old)
27.9% studied 3º ESO (14-15 years old)
30.2% studied 4º ESO (15-16 years old)
67.4% of these students are new to European projects and have never taken part in a similar experience before, whereas 32.6% have taken part in a previous Comenius project that the school had (2013-15).
In spite of the fact that most students have never taken part in European projects, a high percentage of them (76.7%) have a more or less clear idea of what Erasmus+ is. 23.3% don't know what Erasmus+ consists of.