A2: Industry. Clil lesson.

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-jqBI6WqW_POGZjMjVTQUE4ZGc/view?usp=sharing




    Subject: Food Industry

    Title: Sectors and Jobs in the field of Food Industry


    Age Group: Secondary School (12 - 15)

                         Intermediated, Mixed Ability Class

                  B1 according to CEF (Common European Framework)


    Group size: 25 students in class (3-6 pupils in a group)

    Timing: 40 – 45 minutes

    Place: Computers` Lab


    Introduction: This Didactic Unit aims at studying the origins of food industry in the context of a historical approach. Students will become familiar with the disciplines associated with food industry and by extension with the skills of workers required by this sector and will be able to reflect on the challenges that the sector of food science and technology is facing today.


    Learning Outcomes:

    • Be able to discuss the concept of food industry by considering the issue in its historical dimension.
    • To identify the factors that influenced the development of modern food industry over time.
    • To be aware of the disciplines related to food industry.
    • To recognize the differences between disciplines related to this field.
    • To develop effective internet search skills and selection of appropriate information.
    • To exercise in producing speech and processing material (photos, video) with the means offered by technology.


    Subject Content:

    • Natural and human factors that influence the development of modern food industry over time.
    • Types of the disciplines related to food industry.


    Language Objectives:

    • To clarify the terminology: industry, discipline, working specialty.
    • To enrich their vocabulary.
    • To exercise the collaborative production of spoken and written language.


    Task: A final presentation on the concept of the food industry and the elements that compose it, the disciplines that constitute it and the skills of workers associated to it.


    • Watching a video about food industry.
    • Activities involved in the use of the tool of Google Slides: Answer short question about the video; defining vocabulary; labelling pictures about food industry; writing a short comparative text about the disciplines that constitute the sector of food industry and the skills of workers associated with it.
    • Gathering information to make a presentation.



    • Watch the motivating video:



    • Each team has to make a presentation in Google slides in which:
      • On the first slide, they should write 2 – 3 sentences about: why food industry is the earliest science”
      • On the third slide, they should write 5 words, related to food industry, about what they watched in the motivation video.
      • On the second slide, they should find and insert one image for each one of the 5 words they wrote, in the same order.
      • They should choose a science related to food industry and write down what they believe the difference from the main science is. For example, engineering vs food engineering (2 – 3 sentences). This will be the forth slide of the Google slide.


    • Each team has to present the Google slide to the class:
      • First, they present the reason that the food industry is the earliest science.
      • After that, they present the 5 images, and they ask the other teams to find the word which matches to the image. The team writes down all the answers (every team gives one answer per image).
      • Next, they reveal the words they choose.
      • Finally, they present the differences between the food industry science and main science.


    • Each team has to remake the Google slide in which:
      • On the second and third slide, they write next to every image all the answers provided by all the teams.



    • Motivation Videos :



    • Google
    • Google Slide