Here are our short memories from the visit in Greece :-) in the film made by D. Nikiel.
We are really glad we had a chance to take part in that international meeting :)
Film made by local TV
ebook - Polish version
Here in the ebook you will find:
- links to podlasie24 portal where new from every day were published
- links to school webpage where new from every day were published
- links to e-galleries from every day
ebook - English version
News in Wspólnota Newspaper
Link to the film:
W dniu 22 kwietnia 2015 roku odbyła się gala wręczenia nagród w konkursie Selfie+ programu Erasmus+. W gali wzięli udział autor zdjęcia Pan Dariusz Nikiel, uczennice Aleksandra Cisiak i Julia Oknińska oraz koordynator projektu Artur Baranowski. Dla naszego Gimnazjum została przyznana nagroda specjalna, którą był przenośny mini-projektor. W sesji zdjęciowej pomagała Pani Karolina Pytlak, z Rady Rodziców wykonując w pełni profesjonalne make-up'y. Relacja z gali została nagrana przez naszą lokalną telewizję MasterTV, za co dziękujemy Panu Ireneuszowi Mateńce.
LINK to schools webpage recources:
What is more we produced the DVDs with the ebooks, films and galleries form the meeting and shared with our partners and authorities.Of course from the relation form the visit in Lithuania was published every day at schools webpage, facebook and in our regional media what is fully presented in the ebooks.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.