A2: Industry. Clil lesson.

  • .TEACHERS: Laima Baltutiene, Laima Salkauskiene, Reda Bartkuviene

    CLIL lesson PLAN

    Subject: IT Industry in Lithuania

    Title: Sectors and Jobs in the field of IT Industry

    Age Group: Secondary School (12 - 15) Prie-Intermediate, Mixed Ability Class

    B1 according to CEF (Common European Framework)

    Group size: 25 students in class (3-6 pupils in a group)

    Timing: 40 – 45 minutes

    Place: Computers` Lab

    Introduction: The aim of the lesson to provide  information about one of the most important and innovative branches of Industry in Lithuania which is IT technologies.  Students will become familiar with the disciplines associated with IT industry and by extension with the skills of workers required by this sector. They will be able to reflect on the challenges that the sector of  IT science and technology is facing today.

    Learning Outcomes:

    •Be able to discuss the concept of IT industry by considering the issue and benefits of IT technologies in different fields.

    •To identify the possibilities to use IT influence on developing  modern industry nowadays.

    •To be aware of the disciplines related to IT industry.

    •To use app programme  (QR CODE) for effective internet search skills and selection of appropriate information.

    Subject Content:

    •Modern and human factors that influence the development of  IT industry.

    •Types of the disciplines related to IT industry.

    Youth organisations related to IT industry, practice and its development.

     Language Objectives:

    •To clarify the terminology: industry, discipline, working speciality.

    •To enrich their vocabulary.

    •To exercise the collaborative production of spoken and written language.

    Task: A final presentation of information (crossword) on the concept of the IT industry.


    •Watching introduction and a video about IT industry in Lithuania,  its development and growth in European content.

    •Activity involved in the use of the tool of Google Apps (QR CODE): solving the crossword; defining vocabulary that constitute the sector of IT industry and the skills of workers associated with it.




    Industry in Lithuania – Here you can see shared industry services in Lithuania. Also, you can see that Lithuania has second fastest productivity growth in the Europe between 2005-2013.

    IT technology  - IT technologies are the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data.

    It Technologies in Lithuania - With world-leading broadband speeds, and the most advanced ICT infrastructure in the CEE region, Lithuania is cementing its position as a regional centre of excellence for smaller software and games start-ups, and larger ICT operations.

    It technologies growth in Lithuania - The sector has experienced stellar growth, with the number of highly-skilled staff employed in Lithuania’s range of ICT enterprises doubling since 2006. What’s more, since 2008, foreign investment in the ICT sector has shown double digit growth.

    Europe structural funds  project „Technology and science for innovative enterprises“ were taking place in Lithuania and invested more than 4 milion euros in improving technology and science in Lithuania. Here you can see some of the project partners in Lithuania.

    The most popular professions related to IT in Lithuania are:

    IT specialists (Kaunas University of Technology);

    Engineers (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University);

    IT teacher (Vytautas Magnus University);

    Bioinformatics (Vilnius University);

    IT enginering (Klaipėda University);


    The most demanding jobs in Lithuania

    1. Assistant Chief Engineer (Engineering);

    2. Systems Analyst (Information Technology);

    3. Chief Executive Officer (Executive and Management);

    4. Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor (Airlines Aviation/Aerospace/Defense);

    5. Pilot (Airlines/Aviation/Aerospace/Defense)

    Youth organisations – In Lithuania we have a lot of youth organisations which help to the same minded youth to join into groups. In Lithuania there are some youth organisations which bring together youth interested in IT. Some of the shown organisations work in robot, software and microchips creating, teaching how to use computers and new IT technologies.

    Lasers - A laser - is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The European Union's innovation scoreboard ranks Lithuania as a modest innovator, but there is one field in which this Baltic country of about 3 million people shines, literally: lasers.

    Laser production in Lithuania - Half of all picosecond lasers sold worldwide are produced by Lithuanian companies, while Lithuanian-made femtosecond parametric light amplifiers account for as much as 80% of the world market. Lithuanian laser production company "Ekspla" together with american company "National Energetics" are making a strongest laser in the world which will be installed in the European Union research complex "ELI- beamline" in Dolni Břežany town near Prague, Czech Republic.

    Nanotechnology in Lithuania - Word "nano" came from greek language word, which means - "small". Nanotechnology is a  science wich works with nano particles, and are measured in nanometers. If we compared ratio of the nano particle the size is comparable as soccer ball with the Earth.

    First Lithuanian satelite - LitSat-1 is one of the two first Lithuanian satellites. It was launched aboard the second Cygnus spacecraft at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on Wallops Island. The launch was scheduled to occur on December 2013, but later was rescheduled to 9 January 2014. Three Lithuanian words was broadcasted from space "Lietuva myli laisvę" (Lithuania loves freedom).

    Sunrise valley - "Sunrise valley" is a higher education and research institution, businesses, country and local authorities dynamic partnership which created the most favourable development of knowledge and business environment in Lithuania. Sunrise Valley’s mission is to put Lithuania on the map as a location for world-class businesses engaged in knowledge intensive activities.

    The task:




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