Behind the names
It's Christmas time and along with our wishes, here comes another etymology task!
You would all agree that we consider our first names to be unique because they are connected with our identity, personality and temperament.
However, have you ever thought that behind our names there is a sort of history coming from the names' origin?
The study of the etymology of proper names is called 'Onomastics' or 'Onomatology' and the study of names is called 'Anthroponomastics'. Do they sound all Greek to you? Literally, they are!!
Merry Christmas to all!
Task. On the twinboard below, click on 'Add item' and provide the etymology of your first name along with a Xmas wish or perhaps a Xmas card. As a title, write your name eg Maria (Athens, GR) and then you write all about your name origin plus the Xmas wish.Teachers can participate too!
An interesting site for your name search is: Click on the image below.
This is our onomatology e-dictionary!!
It was created out of all participant students' work on the etymology of their first names as seen on the twinboard below! Congratulations to all students who contributed to this activity!
Credits to Antonis,Dora and Elena (students of the 27th Lyceum of Athens) for their help to compile the names in alphabetic order and proofread tne texts.
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