5. Seeking the roots of words

  • Let's get to know the Odyssey of Words


    Somewhere here begins the main activity of this project. We are going to study the etymology of all these words we use in our everyday lives and are similar whether we live in Spain, in Italy, in Greece, in Germany, in Romania ...


    On the next pages you will find lists of such words, divided into categories according to their subject.


    Your research will follow these steps:


    1.  First you will answer the questionnaire on the "Transnational groups" page.​

    2.  Based on your common choices, you will be divided into transnational groups.

    3.  A teacher will take over the coordination of your team.

    4.  A discussion thread will be created in each group's page.There you will choose the words you will study. You will first collect material in a google document. The responsible teachers will guide you on how to use the ICT tools.

    5.  After completing the study of each word in the google document, you will prepare a ppt, in which you'll present the results of your research.


    The following page provides a detailed overview of the process to follow in your research.