"Picnic" by Fernando Botero 1989
This group will study the words related to
Food & Earth-Time
Welcome to your group page.
The teacher in charge of your group is:
Anita Hoehle
Go to the bottom of this page to find a discussion thread where you will communicate with the responsible teacher of your group.
1. | Maria Soupa | Spain | INS d'Almenar |
2. | Lorenzo Grillo | Italy | Liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Berto" |
3. | Valeria Pileggi | Italy | Liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Berto" |
4. | Alex Syrros | Greece | Εκπαιδευτήρια Πάνου |
5. | Peny Karampela | Greece | Εκπαιδευτήρια Πάνου |
6. | Maxim Suppes | Germany | Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule |
7. | Justin Hucke | Germany | Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule |
8. | Frederik Helker | Germany | Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule |
9. | Ginevra Guerrini | Italy | Liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Galilei" |
10. | Elena Andrea | Greece | 27th General Lyceum of Athens |
11. | Adamia Adamopoulou | Greece | Εκπαιδευτήρια Πάνου |
Ελληνικά | English | Français | Italiano | Español | Deutsch | Română |
γαστρονομία | gastronomy | gastronomie | gastronomia | Gastronomía | Gastronomía | gastronomie |
δίαιτα | diet | diète | dieta | dieta | Diät | dietă |
πιπέρι | pepper | poivre | pepe | pimiento | Pfeffer | piper |
φρούτο | fruit | fruit | frutta | fruta | Fruchtr | fruct |
λεμόνι | lemon | citron | limone | limón | Zitrone | lămâie |
μαρμελάδα | marmelade | confiture | marmellata | mermelada | Marmelade | marmeladă |
μαγιονέζα | mayonnaise | mayonnaise | maionese | mayonesa | Mayoneses | maioneză |
Earth - Time
Ελληνικά | English | Français | Italiano | Español | Deutsch | Română |
κατακλυσμός | cataclysm | cataclysme | cataclisma | cataclismo | Katastrophe | cataclism |
ωκεανός | ocean | océan | oceano | océano | Ozean | ocean |
όαση | oasis | oasis | oasi | oasis | Oase | oază |
έκλειψη | eclipse | éclipse | eclisse | eclipse | Eklipse | eclipsă |
λάβα | lava | lave | lava | lava | Lava | lavă |
κλίμα | climate | climat | clima | clima | Klima | climat |
κυκλώνας | cyclone | cyclone | ciclone | ciclón | Zyklon | ciclon |
τροπικός | tropic | tropique | tropico | trópico | Tropen | tropic |
ζώνη | zone | zone | zona | zona | Zone | zona |
νύχτα | night | nuit | notte | noche | Nacht | noap |
ώρα | hour | heure | ora | hora | Stunde | ora |
περίοδος | period | période | periodo | período | Periode | perioadă |
Look for information in online or conventional dictionaries.
Collect the material from your research in the following google document:
Click on this link to go to the document
It would be good for each student pair to use a different color when writing.
You can now transfer your work to the presentations below:
Each word will be presented in a different ppt.
Don't forget to accompany your presentations with the appropriate images.
Please select carefully (from the table below) the links corresponding to the words assigned to you by the teacher - leader of your team.
Links to the presentations:
Published presentations
1st word
2nd word
3rd word
4th word
5th word
6th word
1st word
2nd word
3rd word
4th word
5th word
6th word
7th word
8th word
9th word
10th word
11th word