IT 2. Raffaello Sanzio


    • Raffaello Sanzio nacque ad Urbino il 6 Aprile 1483.
    • Suo padre era Giovanni Sanzio, pittore non molto dotato ma buon conoscitore dell’arte del suo tempo.
    • La sua infanzia finì presto, con la morte prima della madre quando ha otto anni e successivamente quella del padre quando Raffaello ne ha undici. Dopo la morte dei genitori partì per Perugia dove iniziò lavorare con il maestro Pietro Vannucci detto Perugino.
    • Raffaello non e’ da meno di straordinari contemporanei come Michelangelo e Leonardo e si afferma nelle corti d’Italia soprattutto come raffinato autore di Madonne e ritratti.
    • Raffaello diventa un principe-pittore alla corte del Papa a Roma. Venne incaricato di ornare le stanze del palazzo vaticano.
    • Morì a soli 37 anni, il 6 Aprile 1520 a Roma. Venne chaimato “pittore divino”.


    • Raffaello Sanzio was born in Urbino on 6 April 1483.
    • His father was Giovanni Sanzio, a painter not very gifted but a good connoisseur of the art of his time.
    • His childhood ended early, with the death before his mother when he was eight and later that of his father when Raphael was eleven. After the death of his parents, he left for Perugia where he began working with the master Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino.
    • Raphael is no less than extraordinary contemporary artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo, and he affirms himself in the courts of Italy above all as a refined author of Madonnas and portraits.
    • Raphael becomes a prince-painter at the Pope's court in Rome. He received an offer to decorate the rooms of the Vatican Palace.
    • He died at the age of 37, on 6 April 1520 in Rome. He was called "divine painter".


    PARTICOLARE, Madonna sistina, 1512 - 1513
    Olio su tela, cm 265x196
    Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

    Art with Mati and Dada – Raffaello | Kids Animated Short Stories about Art