@Inspiring project for ITE

  • ITE ( Initial Teacher Education)

    Etwinning collaborate with University in order to present the platform and its potential to students that will become teachers.

    One of italian students choose to study etwinning project for her master degree. She studied our project. She entered as guest ( her name is Sara Giolo) and she prepared a questionnaire for students.

    This is the email received by the italian partner Mariapia Borghesan after working on the project:

    The traduction of the email:

    Dear Prof. Mariapia Borghesan,

    We are the undergraduates of the University of Padua who are working on deepening the eTwinning platform through a case study in the Veneto region.

    In thanking you for taking part in the research, we hereby send you the files relating to the return of the results obtained thanks to your kind participation and collaboration.

    In the order you will find the map created to summarize what emerged from the interview, a file with the logbook used in the observation of the TwinSpace of the "Green Behavior Code" project and a file to share the data collected thanks to the questionnaire administered to the students.

    We thank you for your availability and professionalism, and we take this opportunity to also thank your students for their participation.

    Best regards,

    and these are the documents related to her studies:

    Allegato 1-LA_PIATTAFORMA_ETWINNING_Intervistata_prof_ssa_Mariapia_Borghesan.pdf


    Comunicazione eTwinning per genitori - as 2020-21.docx