Data Protection

  •        Data Protection     

    Data protection and esafety are key issues both in eTwinning and in our schools as part of the eTwinning community, that's why, we deal with it with great  precaution.


    At the beginning of the school year our students are handed a parental consent handout to be signed by parents for all our internet activities.

    Collège Pilote Sfax

    accord parental.pdf


    Colegio Diocesano Asunción de Nuestra Señora



    "Dante Alighieri" Lower secondary school. MERLARA (Italy) (part of IC "Comuni della Sculdascia". Casale di Scodosia)

    Comunicazione eTwinning per genitori - as 2020-21.docx


    Colegiul NaČ›ional „Petru RareČ™” Beclean (Romania)

    acord parental PROIECTE ETWINNING.docx