

    When it comes to evaluation, Reunionese Students results are available below:

    1) Questionnaires

    a-At the entry

    The entry questionnaire for students was performed in November 2015 by the lime-survey app on our school's digital workspace.

    Questions concern digital competences and general scientific knowledge, the are available in the pdf document that follows :


    Answers are available in the following ebook :

    These answers are to be compared with a blank sample of Students from the same form but who won't take part in the project :

    b- After the first year of the project

    Science appeal

    This survey has been released after the first year of the project. 10 of our 16 ORIONS Students have answered.


    c- Final questionnaire

    Questions concern digital competences and general scientific knowledge, the are available in the pdf document that follows :


    Answers from Italian questionnaire 

    Answers from polish questionnaire


    2) All the project long

    a- Specific Orions Project Evaluation

    Four kinds of work have been assessed:

    -Problem solving, groupworkshop




    criteria : clarity of the report, use of ITC, correctness of the solution, quality of the language (writing), efficiency of teamwork


    -Tutorial (teamwork)

    Tutorials are available on the Teacher's corner-Maths tools page.

    criteria : clarity  & correctness of explanation, use of original tools, quality of language (speaking), efficiency of teamwork

    -Eratosthenes (formal test, individual)

    criteria : correctness of the mathematics solution, clarity of the answer, quality of the language (writing)

    -Article on the twinspace (team work)

    criteria : structure and clarity of the article, quality of language ( writing), use of ITC to support the explanation, efficiency of teamwork.

    Students scores are summarized in the form of Box and Whisker Plots :

    Topics "Article" and "Tutorial" obtained higher scores as they are probably not as tricky as pure maths & science papers (Eratosthenes & Problem solving). However, in each case the median exceeds 60%, which means that more than 50% of the students passed most steps of the resolution. One objective of the second year is to keep leading them gradually through self entrepreneurship, which is still their weakest spot. 

    b) global evaluation in science & english

    The document below shows our students quantitive results in the subjects mainly concerned with the project (maths, physics, english as a foreign language, maths clil). To measure the impact of the project, the group (20 students) is compared with three classes ( 100 students) of same category with same teachers that don't take part in ORIONS.



    The Orions Group seems to keep scores higher than the rest of the classes. This is to be confirmed during the second year.
    At the end of the project

    c- Streams selected by students

    At the end of the school year ( grade 10), students had to choose their main subjects for the future. They generally have to select between Literature (L), Science (S) or Economics (ES).

    68% of pupils involved in the ORIONS project chose the Science stream.. As a comparison, in the school 35% of students chose the Science stream.