
  • This page contains Reunionese stakeholders evaluations about Orions Project.

    1) At the entry


    The questionnaire is about teachers' use of digital tools in their classroom and their expectations from this project.

    Three teachers are particularly concerned by the project : The coordinator (Maths, Clil Maths), A physics teacher and a computer&maths teacher.

    Their answers to the questionnaire are available below :

    coordinator- CLIL Maths Maths & ITC teacherPhysics & Chemistry teacher

    At the beginning of the project, these teachers are already using quite often digital tools for their lessons - though they don't use exactely the same ones.

    They expect this international project to enhance good practices exchange with teachers from abroad (tips, ideas, teaching alternatives) and consequently improve their Ss interest for their lessons.



    Results of the parents questionnaire are available in the following e-book :


    It is clearly shown that at the early entry (October 2015) parents had a quite poor knowledge of the International action of the school : 40% don't know about the international & european activites led in the past four years.

    60% are aware of Erasmus+ as a program of the European Union. Only 4% knew the countries involved in the ORIONS project.


    2) At the end


    The questionnaires of below concern the final balance of the porject member.

    Their answers to the questionnaire are available below :

    coordinator- CLIL Maths Maths & ITC teacherPhysics & Chemistry teacher

