The Astrometric Parallax Method and Distance to Mekbuda - SWE

  • The Astrometric Parallax Method and Distance to Mekbuda

    Application of the parallax method to determine the distance between earth and the star Zeta Geminorum, Mekbuda.


    This extract from my report explains the astrometric parallax method. Furthermore it utilizes this method and its formulas to calculate the properties of the star Zeta Geminorum, Mekbuda, such as distance to earth, luminosity, surface temperature and star radius.

    The purpose of this assignment is to comprehend the parallax method and when to consider to practise the parallax method among other astrometric procedures.


    By knowing the maximum light wave intensity (λMax), the apparent energy flux or general intensity (b) and the parallax angle for the star, it is possible to determine the distance to earth (d), the luminosity of the star (L), the surface temperature (T) and the star radius (r). The parallax method is the preferred method for a luminous object with an interstellar distance between 1-700 parsec from earth. If further away the parallax angle would be insignificant.