Festivals -Reunion-FR





    This page reports Festivals organised by Reunion (France) for the Orions Project :

    • Festival of Sun and Stars in Sicily, May 2016
    • Festival of the Sun : Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016
    • Festival of Science, November 2016
    • Festival of Maths games & rebuses, March 2017

    1) Festival of Tales of Sun & Stars

    The Festival of Tales of Sun & Stars was organised during the 3rd meeting in Sicily on the 20th May 2016 !

    The Reunionese (French) team played a traditional tale about solar eclipses on the stage and made a cartoon of it.


    Lou Ann & Myrtille


    2) Solar Eclipse- 1st September 2016

    The Solar Eclipse Festival lasted from 22nd August to 1st September 2016 in Le Verger High School. School stakeholders (students, staff, parents, teachers, technicians) were informed of the event and how the festival was to be organised on the D -Day.

    The Solar Eclipse Exhibition

    A great exhibition took place in the schoolyard from August 22 to September 1.

    Posters were put in with the help of the school's technician team. A copy of the posters is available in the following booklet. We had the support of the Cultural Department of our local Educational Authority (DAAC).



    According to your localization on the island, the eclipse will be a little different. The line of centrality being situated in the south-west of the island, more we will be far from the line and the eclipse will not be annular but partial. For the cities which are before the north end of the strip of centrality, the eclipse will then be annular and will last a little less than three minutes. The total duration of the eclipse will be about 3:19 . During the eclipse, the height of the sun will vary (61 ° to 32 °), it will be 50 ° compared with the horizontal during the central phase.

    Tracé de la ligne de centralité Pour la Réunion de l’éclipse du 1er septembre 2016



    Conference at a local multimedia library


    The D -Day : 1st September 2016


    Special glasses equiped with safe sunray filters were handed out to all in the school. Safety instructions were reminded in the same time.

    Meanwhile, Orions students guided visits of the exhibition with detailed explanations.

    Students from Garde 11 organised a competition in english as foreign langage (quizz about the eclipse).

    Visitors were then assessed through questionnaires created by Orions Students from those posters and plickers app. Results are available in the EVALUATION page of this twinspace.

    The plickers workshop took place in the meeting room of our school, because it was wide enough to welcome lots of student.Plickers is an application which allows us to realize instantaneously a Quizz in the classroom. Every student participates.

    This is how it unfolded:

    -We gave a card for each student with letters A,B,C and D on each side. 

    -Afterwards,they just had to turn upward the right answer so,then, Mrs Levesque could spot their answer with her smartphone.